Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [301-325] of 1148Posts from RBESRQRBESRQ Previous 25 Next 25 Reply RBESRQ 7/20/10 re: James Ronald Kennedy and Walter Donald Kennedy quote Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges. (The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.) Cornelius Tacitus 2Reply RBESRQ 7/20/10 re: John Adams quote In this case Tax's are not the problem, what is the problem is corruption throughout our political and corporate structures. This above all is the cancer that eats away at our very existence. Until we again (if we ever were) become a progressive, liberal, conservative, secular state, with ethics and integrity as our guiding principle, we will remain in the sliding sludge we have become. Waffler, we are not fighting wars we are fighting and killing for resources of which over 50% of our tax dollar supports. We are now in the Emperorship state of the Roman Empire. America is fortunate that we have no comparison such as the Gauls and Germans to end our empire, though we may not need them as we are imploding from within. Reply RBESRQ 7/16/10 re: Edward A. Shils quote Some good quotes today. To my fellow student philosopher, yes, caring is important, but compassion is part of the element of balance, as is the action behind freedom. Ken, your answer only creates more anger more wars, we must learn to live our own lives without the anger of others effecting our well being. Reply RBESRQ 7/16/10 re: Daniel George quote It's as clear as the day is long. Ten stars... And yet the war criminals shout from the rooftops "War in the name of Freedom and Democracy" while they crap all over you. What hypocrisy this nation is built on (sand); and, in a big storm all hell will break lose. 1 Reply RBESRQ 7/16/10 re: Alphonse de Lamartine quote Love it - the three are bedfellows. Reply RBESRQ 7/15/10 re: Molière quote Mike, I agree, but science tries to work on facts (not always) not fiction. As the saying goes: "Science fly's you to the moon, religion fly's you into buildings" I'm sorry if that's unkind, but it's kind of true. Science is often used by unscrupulous corporations to further their profits and in doing so give science a bad wrap. I believe if we are to fraught the tide of hypocrisy there has to be a real change in education and the way we operate on a daily basis - in other words, it must trickle up as it is obviously not trickling down. Reply RBESRQ 7/15/10 re: Molière quote Precisely, and the government and church is full it! Reply RBESRQ 7/15/10 re: William Hazlitt quote It reminds me about something to do with casting the first stone. Reply RBESRQ 7/13/10 re: John Milton quote It should be so! Reply RBESRQ 7/13/10 re: Lord Byron quote He who strikes the blow is himself crushed. "Perfect freedom is reserved for the man who lives by his own work and in that work does what he wants to do." Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Reply RBESRQ 7/13/10 re: Lucanus quote He who wears the mask of Liberty, for the sake of Liberty, instead of the face without the mask, is doomed, as is those they have power over. Reply RBESRQ 7/12/10 re: Leonardo da Vinci quote Good point Mike.... Reply RBESRQ 7/12/10 re: Leonardo da Vinci quote Oops, I should have seen this quote first. But at least I know I'm in good company. Mike, the two are very different one is to do with Mastery of oneself and the other "Being". I am. is Ommmmmmmm Reply RBESRQ 7/12/10 re: John Dryden quote O how tempted we are at times. The road to freedom and liberty is through self-discipline. Reply RBESRQ 7/12/10 re: Alexander Pope quote Sorry! that's Alexander the Great - a bit confusing I know! 1 Reply RBESRQ 7/12/10 re: Alexander Pope quote It reminds me of the Gura who saved Alexanders Life when asked by Alexander what reward he would like said Sir, the only thing I wish is for you to step out of my light. The simplest of all things is one's own being and coming to terms with it! Reply RBESRQ 7/9/10 re: Jean-Jacques Rousseau quote What is is. Justin, I think you may have reversed your thought. It's science that is reason and religion that is emotion. Most are self-deception is brought about by ego, and a need to belong. Nature is all things; it takes on the full spectrum of all man's desires. Reply RBESRQ 7/9/10 re: Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton quote Thank you - OK Mike, you should have heard my carnal scream... Most who end up in the corridors of power are psychopaths (and that has been proven). The more I disassociate myself with anything to do with religion the more liberty I experience. Personal liberty is the only liberty for without personal liberty how the hell can you fight for your fellow human beings. Reply RBESRQ 7/7/10 re: Edmund Burke quote And my god are they taking chunks - what rapacious gluttons. Mike, why don't you just write ditto - there you go again with your compelled compliance, license, and victimless crimes - is this like a secret code? Our Liberty is being nibbled away starting with the end of WW1 and continues with the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, and now, Arizona's Immigration laws, all brought about by an ever increasing and powerful elite class whose administration is oligarchy protected by its military. Reply RBESRQ 7/7/10 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote Mike, it said man not congress that's another argument - really!!!!!!!! Justin and Jim ego is on top priority here... Sorry Alexis, I'll try and make a sensible comment one that stays on the subject matter: in other words; he who seeks freedom for reasons other than freedom itself are doomed to be slaves? Reply RBESRQ 7/7/10 re: Benjamin Franklin quote Thanks Reston (a sane voice amongst the clamor). Yes, and we are giving it up by the truck load... while we sit in our cozy living rooms doing zilch Oops, sorry, watching Fox news and ESPN and going to church on Sunday Mike, Justin and Jim need to get a life how the hell can you associate this quote with health care - my god, you are sinking low in your comments. Mike, I think if I see you write "Compelled compliance" one more time will hear my carnal scream from where ever you are. Reply RBESRQ 7/6/10 re: Robert Burns quote Oops Reply RBESRQ 7/6/10 re: Robert Burns quote Justin, to Rabbie that's exactly what he meant so you were spot on. He wasn't that ignorant to think it could be created - perhaps his Scotch got the better of him. Very Churchillian. Reply RBESRQ 7/6/10 re: Immanuel Kant quote I know what he is saying and I think the true meaning may have been lost on the translation. Justin, I wish freedom was independent of the will and action of others BUT IT'S NOT. Its dependence is totally reliant on others. We are not masters of our own freedom - what is freedom but the happiness and joy to do as you please within the confines natural law. I wrote this last year and it still stands: True freedom (that which relates to no financial encumbrance and allows the freedom to pursue your own happiness) only arrives when we no longer contrive to survive. When we no longer feel threaten by religion, government, and the majority. Only then can ignorance and intolerance be put behind us. We have a long way to go and the ONLY road we must travel is called detachment. So, where do we start, definitely not by striking the first blow; we start by looking inward and striking the blow in our hearts and minds; clearing our thoughts from aggression, hate, and greed. "No man is free who is not master of himself" Epictetus RBE 6-16-09 2Reply RBESRQ 7/5/10 re: Rev. Samuel Francis Smith quote They should sing the true story of how we genocide the indigenous population and how we bought, brought, and killed slaves, and how we gave (on purpose) diseases to the Indians. O yes, we have a lot to be proud of, and the killing and destruction continues. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print