Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [326-350] of 1148Posts from RBESRQRBESRQ Previous 25 Next 25 2 Reply RBESRQ 7/5/10 re: Patrick Henry quote O what words do hold their own With little sight to gather sown Yet, we forge forward in the dark And listen not for all's a lark. What temper is for holding fast we easily lose until the last. RBE Reply RBESRQ 7/2/10 re: Thomas Moore quote Like Moore we shall all probably die because of religion - what a curse this myth has become. He was a good man but some what misguided by his religious beliefs. Reply RBESRQ 7/2/10 re: Learned Hand quote Fabulous. Quis costodiet ipsos custodies? Liberty starts in the heart until you find there there is no Liberty. Reply RBESRQ 7/1/10 re: Frederick the Great quote Five stars for the quote, but Justin does have a point. Reply RBESRQ 7/1/10 re: Francis Bacon quote Love it! we all tend to read, so to discourse. It reminds me of the story told to a little girl in class when asked what she remembers said nothing, but when asked again several years later remembered much of the story. Reply RBESRQ 7/1/10 re: Edmund Burke quote Trying to sell his book... look backwards by all means, but don't stay there to long. 1 Reply RBESRQ 6/30/10 re: Sallust quote He certainly lived during Romes big transition the assassination of Julius Cesar and the birth of Emperors (Augustus) So his comment with regard to "Master" has much feeling. Reply RBESRQ 6/30/10 re: John Dickenson quote The system bares no change for it is without conscience and therefore doomed - there was a time when brightness appeared on the horizon but alas it was short lived and now all we can wish for is a speedy demise so we can rise again from the ashes. Mike, there are only seven plots we can expound upon and this last few decades has used every one of them. Reply RBESRQ 6/29/10 re: Lord Acton quote Archer, good twice... 1 Reply RBESRQ 6/29/10 re: John Stuart Mill quote Good Archer Reply RBESRQ 6/29/10 re: Baruch Spinoza quote That my dear friends would be written differently today - praising what is not or may never be is really a waste of the pen. The thought is good but totally unrealistic in a world that neither lives by ethics or his reasoning of goodness. 1Reply RBESRQ 6/28/10 re: Kenneth W. Royce quote What is Liberty, but a sound bite used to arouse fervor and hate. Liberty, Freedom, Justice, and Human Rights, they are all ornaments on the mantel of life. Reply RBESRQ 6/25/10 re: James Madison quote The Truth: 1Reply RBESRQ 6/24/10 re: Isidor Issac Rabi quote Archer, really, I expected more of you. How about parroting knowledge based on science not the rattles of a senator paid off by the energy companies - studying facts are usual from a source that can no way be your. Research comes from other people's knowledge, those who have studied a subject without hypothetical hyperbole and listening to Fox Entertainment sound-bytes. For Justin and all you soothsayer here is some evidence of global warming which has 85% the worlds leading scientist's agreeing: Plus a host of scientists on the 4th International Conference of Global Change - notice the word CHANGE: In some parts of the globe places are cooling but in other parts they are warming - the FACT is that when you take all these meteorological conditions into account they represent a warming of the globe. When scientists bored into the the north pole ice cap they could determine that the layers of sediment which detected temperature that the cycles between cooling and warming were becoming closer together and that they were increasing and not decreasing in temperature. There is a mountain of other evidence that proves without doubt that the planet is warming – from January to May, 2010, was the warmest on record for the globe. WASHINGTON (AP) — “Exactly 20 years after warning America about global warming, a top NASA scientist said the situation has gotten so bad that the world's only hope is drastic action.” "We're toast if we don't get on a very different path," Hansen, director of the Goddard Institute of Space Sciences who is sometimes called the godfather of global warming science, told The Associated Press. "This is the last chance." this will take you into up to date press releases. Justin, your links after seeing the first I decided to stop because Senator Inhofe’s top five campaign contributors were energy organizations and the top industry was oil and gas. Do I need to say anymore? It would hold a great deal more water if this summary was provide by a scientist directly not some Senator bought off by the energy companies. and 2 Reply RBESRQ 6/23/10 re: Alistair Cooke quote In this case, our fascist state. Far-right neoconservatives and fundamentalists will head the charge. I would say that Liberty is the product of self-discipline. Reply RBESRQ 6/23/10 re: Alistair Cooke quote Alistair, if you were around today you would have no doubt who the winner is. Reply RBESRQ 6/23/10 re: Alexander Hamilton quote "Safety from danger of propaganda is the most powerful director of national conduct." Reply RBESRQ 6/22/10 re: Alexander Haig quote Candor can get you killed or save your life, you just have to know when to use it. Editor, whats your connection with AFRA? Reply RBESRQ 6/22/10 re: Albert Wohlstetter quote Justin, read the quote again. The point of Marshall Arts is that the mind is totally still but very much aware.The point is the more the mind is relaxed the stronger the tension. Reply RBESRQ 6/22/10 re: Albert Einstein quote And that aint happening! as you can see from the above comments. Howard, get your head out of the sand and look around; what was old is even worse today. We do not learn mentally from the past just physically as you can tell from the amount of weekend sofa indentations and empty beer bottles. We may be able to send men to the moon but gosh we can't even feed the 50 million starving kids in our own nation. Justin, just take the quote on its own merits - if we start analyzing every biography of those quoting we would be here all day - I know, I have fallen into that trap too. I agree with Carlton inasmuch as individual sovereignty and individual rights should be paramount in any society. Judith don't be pushed, stand your ground. This essay is brilliant and shows the terrible downside of capitalism. At the end he said this " is it possible, in view of the far-reaching centralization of political and economic power, to prevent bureaucracy from becoming all-powerful and overweening? How can the rights of the individual be protected and therewith a democratic counterweight to the power of bureaucracy be assured?" Considering this was written back in the late 40s I would love to hear what he would say in today's political and social decline. Mike, fantastic, I agree with you. Reply RBESRQ 6/21/10 re: Bertrand Russell quote Bertrand Russell, one of the greatest minds of the 21 century - he needs no comments from such a delude class. Mike, I am proud of you giving such a renown Atheist five stars, well done! Mike, that has to be one of the mostly convoluted criticisms I have ever read - perfect for Fox Entertainment. Reston, spot on! Reply RBESRQ 6/21/10 re: Benjamin Franklin quote and yet from "The lofty oak from a small acorn grows." Lewis Duncombe, translation of De Minimis Maxima Reply RBESRQ 6/18/10 re: John le Carré quote Excellent winsmith Reply RBESRQ 6/18/10 re: John le Carré quote Yes, now they want to link our internet use with our passports and have control over the internet by creating an on/off swithch, Yes, we are now officially a FASCIST State. We just stand by like good little sheeple and allow this crap to happen. We NEVER learn: OpEdNews had a great article the other day by John Grant and he called it Milo Minderbinder in Afghanistan: quote ■with contract agencies hired to protect US convoys in Afghanistan actually staging attacks to get their contracts renews, Catch-22 has come for real to America's war in the Hindu Kush.■ John Grant went on to say: ■■before the US entered WW II, Fortune magazine ran cover stories on the Nazi economic miracle in Germany, while Henry Ford was deeply sympathetic to the Nazis and some say influenced Hitler's efforts to produce the Volkswagen. The most interesting case, of course, is Prescott Bush, George■s grandfather, who was involved in several financial investments in Germany from the thirties well into the war. In 1942, Prescott■s company's assets were seized under the Trading With The Enemy Act, and he was nearly prosecuted. Since then, Prescott Bush's loyalty has been resurrected, as it was in Milo's case■■ This is just two collaboration■s America had with the Nazi■s, there were many more such as Lindbergh, the DuPonts, and about 300 corporations. Also many Christian organizations were complicit such as Farther Coughlin and that Smith fellow. Reply RBESRQ 6/18/10 re: John E. McLaughlin quote Right on Judith. How to organize and manipulate evidence. CIA responsible for hundreds of dubious and conspicuously offensive misdeeds, taking over democratically elected governments, replacing leaders with their puppets (Iran), I can't believe how many other egregious and covert encounters they are responsible for... It would have been wise for JEM not to have said this in public. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print