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Posts from Warren, Olathe

Warren, OlatheWarren, Olathe
warren, olathe

That is why the IRS was choosen by Obama to run our new health care system

warren, olathe

Oh come on Skyhawk! Are you implying that Gore had a brain? Bush was proof twice that the voters in this country have at least some sense on occasion. And compared to what came just before and after him he seems to be a genius.

warren, olathe

The trial was a hoax. A publicity stunt to get economic activity for the town it was held in. So we get the opposite of what he is saying here. The socialists are afraid of religion and use evolution as a wedge between the student and his religion. They believe that you can not believe in God and evolution at the same time and it is a crime against reason to not believe in evolution. Yet to date no scientist or anyone else has produced one bit of evidence to support the theory. Even Darwin came to doubt it.in spite of his father and grandfather pounding the theory into his head since birth. We are left to believe what ever we want. We can not prove any one's theory about much of anything let alone how we were created or in fact if we even were.

warren, olathe

Especially today if they are in our school system.

warren, olathe

Not just institutions but also for old worn out unworkable ideas and ideologies.

Warren, olathe

Anything out of a Democrat mouth since Woodrow Wilson. The true recipe for fascism.

warren, olathe

Read Rules for Radicals if you want a real Mein Kampf of the democratic party. Ted and his ilk are just the propaganda ministers for our little fascist Chicago street thug with a law degree.

warren, olathe

What a load of crap. I notice that the quote is sliced and diced. I am sure that regime change possibilities have been talked about for a long time by various presidents, and military leaders as contingency plans. It is common practice to do this and would be irresponsible not to. This crap is only meant to mislead.

warren, olathe

The military is exactly what we are supposed to be spending tax dollars on stupid!

warren, olathe

And when inflation and unstable government leaders make it doubtful that savings or investments are going to be worth anything at retirement.

warren, olathe

War is fought for the need of self preservation or for the perceived need of it. Even dictators like Hitler started and fought his war for the original perception that he was saving, or rebuilding the "fatherland". The rest of us had no choice in the mater. Once someone is at war with you you are at war with them, whether you want to participate or not. We have been at war with radical Islam for a long time. We just recently realized we were going to have to fight back.

warren, olathe

He sure delivered enough hell to know what he is talking about.

warren, olathe

That from the President that stuffed his cabinet with people that we now call Progressives. They wanted "industrial democracy". The interpretation of that is simply that all own the means of production. Or in other words Marxism. He was a disaster as a president. That is a typical result when a college professor president and a cabinet full of college professor run a country. Intellectuals are typically are that stupid. They think that they are so much smarter than the rest of us that we need them to run our lives because we can not be trusted to make our own decisions. In reality motives and motivation makes up for a whole lot of IQ.

warren, olathe

It is a basic truth. How can anyone expect moral actions from a society that kills its children?

warren, olathe

In this county most of the poverty has been caused or exacerbated by the welfare state.

warren, olathe

Great quote. Its as if he had been talking about Obama and his cohorts. They point fingers and make unfounded accusations but are the guilty ones. I think that the few that have been the driving force behind the progressive movement have always known exactly where it is heading and fully approve of it. As a matter of fact the progressive movement in this country supported Adolph in the early years. Like his attitude about helping evolution out a little by eliminating undesirable "inferior" parts of society. Planned parenthood was inspired by that line of thinking.

warren, olathe

Love all Hitler quotes. People ignore them to all of our peril. Every one of us need to be educated in history in order to be competent voters. It is a shame that so many that go to the polls know so little. A fine testament to our education system having finally met its goals. In spite of the internet, there still are enough misinformed idiots voting to make it close enough for the dead and illegal to elect many of our leaders for us.

warren, olathe

Cal there were no needs for a union once the state became a socialist union. That made them competitors for the same outcome. He was against any type of individualism. Aside for his own that is. Which is typical of any leftist.

warren, olathe

States rights does not a dictator make.

warren, olathe

Yes deeds do win over words. That is why Reagan was great. He said it and he meant it.

warren, olathe

So what? We all (well maybe most) would prefer there be no enemies and therefore no need for a military.

warren, olathe

By the way he was no.2 Mao Zedong no. 1 and Hitler no. 3 in the political murder department. Hitler killed about 5 mil. Jews and 4 million christian and other "undesirables". Stalin killed more Jews than Hitler but some how he wasn't so bad. It is taught in some classrooms by learned professors that Stalin did what he had to to bring industrialism to Russia and therefore it was beneficial in the end. While, of course, Occupy Wall Street is full of his disciples protesting the U.S. method of promoting industrialism. They will eventually start to become more and more violent to demonstrate the true nature of socialism, unless, hopefully, winter sends them all home.

warren, olathe

Of course Stalin was not so horrible. After all he did what he did in the true spirit of socialism. That automatically makes it OK. What he and Hitler did is the inevitable result of unchecked socialism. We are headed there even though the majority of people in this country are against it. We are having it forced on us for our own good. The death and destruction that will eventually occur, if we do not stop it, will also be for our own good. Socialism kills. Always. Don't ever forget that. Once the state has that kind of power the will of the people (democratic system or not) becomes irrelevant. I don't care if he said it, he meant it.

warren, olathe

Don't forget that Europe got rid of much of the criminal element by shipping them off to America and Australia. We were once a penal colony.

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