Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [901-925] of 1302Posts from Warren, olatheWarren, olathe Previous 25 Next 25 2 Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: Sir Winston Churchill quote For once a conspiracy that I can sink my teeth into. He is talking about socialists working to take over. The constant drum beat of class envy as caused more death and destruction in the last few hundred years than any other form of hatemongering. Our country is on the verge of being controlled by it and it isn't going to be pretty when it happens. Chances are the destruction will be successfully blamed on the ones we are being told to hate when it is only hate to blame. He was great. 2Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: John F. Hylan quote kooks kooks and more kooks Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: George Herbert Walker Bush quote The new world order he spoke of is not the one we all have heard of. He was speaking of a new world order literally not some imaginary conspiracy kook term. He meant a world of order rather than chaos. A world full of freedom not tyranny. A very poor choice of words on his part but there was nothing sinister about it. 1Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: Lord Acton quote The modern banking system makes possible the financing of some huge projects. In ancient times those types of projects were done by the King and usually through slave labor. Our system allows someone with a vision to attain it without being a King or a tyrant. As much as we may fear the type of control money plays in our society we should beware of what kind of world we would have without it. Unless you want a Socialist dictatorship you really have no other choice. The anti bank rhetoric has been fodder for the propaganda of Adolph Hitler and many others. I fear that the bank haters see the word bank and think Jew. I believe much of the bank hatred is founded in anti-Semitism. 9Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: Mayer Amschel Rothschild quote Who wouldn't agree with that? I'll take all the money and I damn sure would no longer care about who made the laws. Whoops take that back. Hillary would take it all back. He probably didn't conceive of such an act of tyranny in this country back then. 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: Edward Bernays quote Maybe I buy it a little if he were talking about the press. So many try to accomplish this but in the end fail. Even the press doesn't conspire. They just all think alike. Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: Arthur S. Miller quote Yep he knows all the secrets. Bet they have a class "conspiracy 101". Everybody thinks they know things to be true just because they hear a rumor and it sounds good. College professors are the worst. Reply warren, olathe 2/5/08 re: George W. Bush quote Wow what a great quote for bringing out the kooks. The new world order statement by his father was not referring to what we know to be the "new world order" but it was a very poor choice of words in my opinion. It only takes stupid to believe in these Conspiracies. Reply warren, olathe 2/5/08 re: George W. Bush quote So Nora I guess you wana fight with no force or maybe a tiny little force just to make it fair for the other guy? It may be a standard response but it is the only one. Unless you hate America and root for its destruction. Reply warren, olathe 2/5/08 re: George W. Bush quote Perfect. Even though it was in reference to Bin Laden it would have worked for Saddam as well. I well remember the idiots in the press scoffing at this event. They would have loved it if their guy had been elected and had done the same thing. Reply warren, olathe 2/5/08 re: George W. Bush quote I'm not sure why this is a quote on fascism. I grant that our enemies at the moment are in fact fascists but the Bush quotes do not seem to speak to that fact at all. Reply warren, olathe 2/5/08 re: George W. Bush quote How else could a competent president conduct foreign policy during a period of war? 2 Reply warren, olathe 2/5/08 re: American Mercury Magazine quote Timeless, beware of foreign entanglements. We are on the verge of electing people that will hand over our sovereignty to a one world government using our desire for a cleaner environment as an excuse. The whole point of pushing the Kyoto treaty is to open the door to bring the U.S. into a socialist one world government. Even if you buy the propaganda you cannot really want what is being sold as the cure. 5 Reply warren, olathe 2/5/08 re: Adolf Hitler quote True, we are exposed to this type of propaganda today. Listen to Hillary and her carbon copies. The less educated you are the more likely you vote Democrat. Good reason to ruin the educational system. The less money you make the more likely you are to vote Democrat. Good reason to depress the economy thought confiscatory tax policy. It is incredible that we have people that gain power by intentionally making a mess out of everything they touch. At least Adolf thought he was doing what was best for his country. I suppose that made him all the more dangerous though. Great example of how Hitler thought. Great quote. Reply warren, olathe 2/5/08 re: Adolf Hitler quote Sounds like the mindset on the University campus today. Perfect example of socialism in action. 4 Reply warren, olathe 2/5/08 re: Adolf Hitler quote No tyrant worth his salt would allow his victims the ability to defend them selves. Those that want gun control do not realize that the evil that will come from the state when there are no guns allowed is far worse than the evil of letting someone protect his person and property. 4 Reply warren, olathe 2/5/08 re: Adolf Hitler quote A genius in understanding human nature for the purpose of manipulation. Reply warren, olathe 2/5/08 re: Adolf Hitler quote Hitler quotes are consistently great. I don't get why he is always getting a thumbs down from most people. His quotes teach much about us and our weaknesses. If you love freedom you do yourself a disservice if you ignore people like Hitler and Stalin. If you do not know how they skillfully used power and propaganda you will fall for it yourself. Reply warren, olathe 2/5/08 re: Adolf Hitler quote And he set the price. He hated corporate profit. His system dictated what each factory would produce, at what price, with which employees, and at what wages. He would have done well in this country as a Democrat. 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/5/08 re: Adolf Hitler quote Great quote. He understood the power of socialism better than Stalin. Socialism can be powerful as long as you have a committed inspired population. That situation will only last as long as an inspiring leader is in charge. After that its ugliness will come to the surface and inspiration will leave. Socialism only gives power to the state. 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/5/08 re: C. S. Lewis quote They say that the cream rises to the top. If you look in the bucket of fresh milk from a cow you will see that there is always a layer of crud on top of the cream. Reply warren, olathe 2/5/08 re: C. S. Lewis quote True in the spiritual sense, but I still will seek prosperity. 4 Reply warren, olathe 2/5/08 re: C. S. Lewis quote He was stating what the state should be not what the state is. Unless all of you who are hyperventilating actually want the state to be tyrannical I don't get your objections. Lewis has always been known as a deep thinker, but the shallow would not notice that. Reply warren, olathe 2/5/08 re: C. S. Lewis quote Ray your response is incomplete and cannot be interpreted. Jim you get it. 3 Reply warren, olathe 2/5/08 re: C. S. Lewis quote D.L., Bozeman, MT You need an education. The religious right is opposed to the left's control of education because of the lack of critical thinking in our schools today. Back then (when I was in school) there was only a glimmer of what was to come. Lewis was so dead on with his predictions for education. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print