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Posts from Warren, olathe

Warren, olatheWarren, olathe
warren, olathe

Many that hack at branches do so to look busy and to fool the masses that evil is being attacked. They also will attack those that hack at the roots.

warren, olathe

And to create more to insure dependence.

warren, olathe

100% right E Archer.

warren, olathe

Others judge us by what they think we have done.

warren, olathe

Only an idiot would compare Bush to Hitler or Nazi. Show complete ignorance of the Third Reich and its politics. George Bush may not be a true conservative but he is not a socialist as Adolf was. Nor did he advocate disarming the public like Adolf did. Nor did he advocate the removal of profit from stockholders like Adolf and Hillary did. Nor did he have glowing things to say about how Stalin ran his country like Adolf did. Nor would he be an honored member of the democrat party as Adolf would be if he were alive and here today.

warren, olathe

Noble thought. True in the real sense but the public seldom is allowed to see the real man and his honor. In this day and age the quickest way to have your honor smeared and destroyed in the eyes of the public is to have honored in the first place. Nothing is hated more than an honest man.

warren, olathe

Maybe in his day. Now we get Bill and Hillary. Now our schools teach that there is no moral authority. Morality is up to the individual. Truth is what any one makes it out to be. Facts are irrelevant. Definitions of words can be changed to suit the individual political ideology. Great quote. Hope to see it mean somthing again in our society.

warren, olathe

Check out the fact that it has also been given to Arafat and Jimmy Carter. That makes the thing an embarrassment to any future recipient that happens to be a decent human being.

warren, olathe

Dang that does describe George Bush doesn't it. How did he do that? He died almost 150 years ago.

warren, olathe

Corruption IS on the increase. All you have to do is watch the democrat congress. The most recent development with Turkey caused by the congress of our country was a willful and deliberate act by congress to undermine the effort to stabilize Iraq. This is an act of treason perpetrated strictly to increase the possibility of a loss in the struggle and loss of freedom for a people that desire it. All for the chance to blame all the resulting problems on GW. For the US congress to intentionally incite a possible invasion of Iraq by Turkey in order to create an untenable situation for our troops for a political advantage is absolute treason. ANYONE that has any knowledge of current events and then votes for this corrupt group can only be doing so because they desire the total destruction of this country and all it has ever stood for.

warren, olathe

Sounds like only perfection deserves patriotism. Our country was founded by wisdom and with goodwill and he was here. Too bad the Nobel is no longer worth a crap. Now it is given to terrorists and habitual liars.

warren, olathe

If you are fighting for your rights wouldn't you be fighting against your country? From his point of view in the confederacy of what rights did he speak? Perhaps he meant the right to deny others their rights.

warren, olathe

I was not talking about Homeland security when talking about socialists. A good socialist would never lift a finger to protect this country. He wants to destroy it. Changing it to socialism is in fact destroying it by the way. My point is that every thing a socialist is successful in imposing on us is an affront to liberty and freedom. That is the true enemy with in that we need to look out for. All this hype about Guantanamo Bay, Homeland Security, and so forth is helping the socialist agenda to take our eye off the ball so we do not notice the infinitely more dangerous things they want to slide by us in congress. Luckily so far they are so inept that they have accomplished nothing. Partly because of the internet and radio. That is why they are frantic about shutting these things down. They seem to not even be able to get away with a lie and smear campaign recently. They are desperate to eliminate any voice that is not in lock step with them. A few years ago they would have gotten away with it. Thank god it has gotten harder for them. Hope it keeps getting harder till everyone starts to see them for what they are. Taping your phone I guess was ok when Bill Clinton did it. He had this same program during his presidency and his predecessor merely continued it. Of course he didn't use it to data mine foreign calls to and from terrorist, he used it to gather information to give his big contributors in the corporate world to help them compete with other corporations that wee not big contributors. That of course is ok. As long as it isn't for national security reasons it must be ok.

warren, olathe

Oh boy are the crazies out today.

warren, olathe

Yep Anonymous that is true. When security goes up freedom goes down. The trick is to understand the value of each and how much of a trade off is necessary in a given situation. It is also important to make sure that the tradeoff is not permanent. Socialist "solutions" to any problem is always permanent and always the worst possible path to take. Their "solutions' are always designed to take the liberty while not offering any real solution. Usually the "solution" is engineered to make the problem worse so as to necessitate more "solutions"

warren, olathe

Europe is surrendering because they have a delusion that if they do not anger Islam that Islam will not hurt them. That is the mindset of all socialist leaning thinking. Gee they hate us, gee what did we do, and Gee must have done something wrong. Must be our fault. If the world does not wake up soon about what is going on and forget the political correctness that is destroying us, we will find out what bondage, tyranny, and persecution is all about. That is assuming that we live long enough to find out.

warren, olathe

In ancient times in Israel slaves were in bondage for seven years. After the seven were up the slave was given the choice of freedom or permanent bondage. Hard to believe but many actually would choose the bondage. Their prospects must have been really bad or their treatment while slaves really good to make what seems to us a stupid choice. Guess people often choose security over freedom. Come to think of it, people vote for that very thing today considering the last congressional election.

warren, olathe

Socialist propaganda. It sounds true to a socialist leaning mind but a typical mind trick to make one start to think down that slippery slope that eventually leads to socialism. If the world ever gets to the socialist utopia the quote will become true.

warren, olathe

A window to Stalin's soul. He really didn't mean that one death was a tragedy, unless he was thinking about being in a situation where he could cause but only one death. Socialism kills. Hard to rate. Revealing, but he really only meant the second half of it. Socialism has no compassion or respect for human life.

warren, olathe

If you are looking for evidence of a police state you have to be looking for things that are not designed to protect our freedoms. The first that they will do is taking your right to speak as in the "fairness doctrine" or "campaign finance reform" do. Then look to see if they try to take away guns from the individual. No serious tyrant worth his salt will try to run a country and allow free speech and personal ownership of guns. If you want to imply that some are taking away our rights look for those doing those things. These other things that so many get riled up about will not stay in place if they are truly bad ideas as long as we do not loose the two rights that I have mentioned. If we spend all our efforts on squabbling over temporary inconveniences we will soon not have the right to dissent at all. Win a little battle while loosing the war. I have no doubt in my mind that some in congress want us enraged by perceived wrongs in order to slide by what they do not want us to notice. By the way if you believe the quote to be true you also are saying that your political philosophy will lead to a police state. The quote is gibberish.

warren, olathe

War is sought to increase the power and/or the wealth of the instigator. Power being the main objective. Money brings power and power brings money, but power is the most seductive.

warren, olathe

If half of what you think was true Mr. Archer this site either would not be hear or the posts would be screened and edited before the post would be made. Don't think that the technology isn't there to find out exactly who it is that posts on this site. My son has no problem finding out the name, address, and phone number of anybody in a matter of minutes of receiving any email or instant massage from any one on his computer. If he can do it the government can too with out any act of congress whatsoever. The fact that people enter such outrageous claims on this site is proof that much of the accusations are false. Moreover it is evidence that the person didn't really believe what he posted or he would have been afraid to post

warren, olathe

We are preventing our government form becoming the totalitarian enemy E Archer! You will know when it is happening when we can no longer can say things like this in places like this. If you pay attention you will see that this very thing is under foot in congress right now. The "Fairness Doctrine" for one. They lie about people that the leftist in congress do not like. They attempt to shut up anyone that has the public ear’ and disagrees with them’ by launching a smear campaign of lies.

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