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Posts from anon


America has a severe case of cancer and it's not even recognized by most of it's citizens. So what' s the next big waste of time. I vote for the banks this time. Not a waste! How about if we audit the federal reserve? I''m not an economist but it's become certain to me that it is the bankers that need a lesson on economics anyway. America is in deep trouble.---------- "The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks." Lord Acton-------- "Let me control a peoples currency and I care not who makes their laws." ■ Meyer Nathaniel Rothchild in a speech to a gathering of world bankers February 12, 1912.--------■We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.■ -James Paul Warburg, whose family co-founded the Federal Reserve - while speaking before the United States Senate, February 17, 1950


Sorry Jim, I do let my mind get away from me sometimes.


Carol, pray tell, what truly does my identity have to do with what I say? I guarantee you will not know of me. I will admit I enjoy days where I just let my mind wander where I reach conclusions and just let 'em out. I love being free so I choose not to reveal who I am. Are you willing to ask a relavent question or do you use the name Carol to avoid them? Maybe you're really Georgia. In any case I really don't care so I withdraw my questions.


Gee America, can't you take a hint sometimes or are you just plain stupid.


Seems to me there is nothing wrong with relaxing due to an active life as long as the process does NOT violate any OTHER One's Individual rights.


Who cares if it's an a quixotic illusion, I just want to see it's put back to the way it's supposed to be.


Wake up America!


I'm with you on this one J Carlton. I find it akin to pure clean fresh mountain water from it's origin when the simplicity of the truth shines through.


Maybe it's because Mill was an economist that made him leave out the individual the right of self defense under extreme conditions or not so exteme as 'thief' pointed out. It never matters what the circumstance for these bankers is as long as they have and keep control of the means of exchange. It is even better if they can control the creation of the means of exchange.


..."No, the object of government is not to change men from rational beings into beasts or puppets, but to enable them to develope their minds and bodies in security, and to employ their reason unshackled; neither showing hatred, anger, or deceit, nor watched with the eyes of jealousy and injustice. In fact, the true aim of government is liberty."....This is the nature of the beast who uses the virtues of liberty minus what the true aim of government should be which is to protect the 3 greatest gifts granted by God or nature's god to each and every single individual and that is to protect the right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Not much of that happening lately. Just a bunch of jealous cowards who want to steal and/or control what does not belong to them.


Robert, if I may call you that, I understand the sentiment with your statement but what can be expected from a man whose business is constantly interfered with? I think it was one of the posters on here who said it right when he said war can establish peace but it cannot keep the peace. With that in mind it is important to be compassionate but not in the case of a man who refuses to show any compassion himself. Was King George compassionate? Please tell me, how can one live his own life without the anger of others affecting his own wellbeing unless he becomes a slave to anger or a dead man when the other's anger is vented when the one disagrees with it?


There is definitly a number of things (liberties) that can be taken in the name of freedom so I let the quote speak for itself rather than name another liberty.


Well said Mike and nice rebound Ken. I guess I must the 4th bedfellow because I agree with the both of you and that I prefer because we are on the right side of what is good.


It is not an enumeration of powers that would change anything anyway. Our government members lost the ball when they took their eye off the main goal of their efforts which was protecting the natural born rights of every individual. This is why there is no enumeration of government powers, they are well enumerated if they operated by the oath they swore to uphold.


All government minions stand up and take a bow for continuing to legislate vice under the guise of virtue.


Like any crime against humanity, hypocracy can be forgiven if the hypocrite is sincere in his repentance or even not. Witness the Amish after the massacre of their children and I venture to say that had the killer lived and got locked up for trial with no remorse the Amish would still have forgiven him. Forgiveness is not for the benefit of the hypocrite's soul but for the benefit of those that forgive. And now you know why I disagree with the quote.


Which should be taught in every school from kindergarten to college.


Interesting that Jesus was a single individual.


The way to speak of its potentialities is to live them, with every thought and deed that can be mustered at that paritcular time.


Nice quote, liberty diminishes liberty when those that are free take away the liberty of each and every other individual by taking away their rights in underhanded ways. And yet people still believe those they elect are there to save their ignorant asses from the evils of life when all the time the ropes around their necks tighten as legislation continues.


The first blow, with what time we have left, should be with words of accusation, hopefully spoken in a common law trial, but like our forefathers did as we should do, keep your powder dry.


I agree Mike, the easiness of the way is a wide road which covers the narrow path we are each assigned to discover ourselves.


A brilliant statement by a brilliant man.


Beware, In many cases shunning the bait to avoid the snare will place you in a greater struggle than you were in before.


Most of the so-called patriots in this country (America) would refuse to give up that loaf of bread in return of a crust. It boils down to the fact that they are unwilling to give up the material wealth they have reaped from the evil banking system they have come to know. This is the way our system will finally collapse, from so-called patriots who think they can have their cake and eat it too.

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