Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [601-625] of 1571Posts from anonymousanonymous Previous 25 Next 25 1 Reply Anonymous 9/8/09 re: Major General Smedley Darlington Butler quote Bush and his whole administration made a ton of money off their "made" war. 2 Reply Anonymous 9/6/09 re: Thomas J. Jackson quote not all southerners fought for slavery but most fought against the oppression of states' rights which is what their forefathers fought for... Reply Anonymous 9/2/09 re: Antonio Gramsci quote I absolutely commend and support any charitalbe work done by you. That you are so negative about work done by governments anywhere and everywhere seemingly around the world is what concerns me. 4 Reply Anonymous 8/31/09 re: George Washington quote and when was the Treaty of Peace signed, in 1783 and again in 1785 after the war with France? So this is a letter from, Washington to Hamilton in 1796 do you not see a problem or conflict here? Reply Anonymous 8/24/09 re: Humanist Curriculum quote I agree that it's important to choose values for yourself, but morality is not determined solely by cultural convention... in other words, some beliefs are better to hold than other beliefs. 1Reply Anonymous 8/24/09 re: James Madison quote Mike, please enlighten me: how and where have the Christians in America been forcefully and violently suppressed by the atheists? Reply Anonymous 8/24/09 re: Ramsey Clark quote Of course, some people, it seems, believe they have rights that simply are NOT rights. 1 Reply Anonymous 8/23/09 re: Nikita Khrushchev quote Those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it.. Will you oppose Obama's war too? US out of Middle East now! Reply Anonymous 8/20/09 re: Harry J. Anslinger quote again... fucktard 1Reply Anonymous 8/20/09 re: Harry J. Anslinger quote what a fucktard Reply Anonymous 8/19/09 re: Lysander Spooner quote Damn. Straight. Reply Anonymous 8/19/09 re: Ivan Illich quote Yeah I was a bit groggy this AM. It happens! Reply Anonymous 8/19/09 re: Ivan Illich quote Isn't interesting that liberety.tree does not use the name Lenin when the quote is something that the right wing nuts will agree with. Reply Anonymous 8/19/09 re: George W. Bush quote He was right then, he is right now. Reply Anonymous 8/18/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote I hope most of you realize that the terms 'patriots' and 'tyrants' are synonymous in this quote. Thomas Jefferson WAS THE TYRANT in the eyes of the extremely conservative British government, along with all of the other founding fathers in the eyes of the British governing body at the time. He wasn't talking about terrorist groups in the middle east. He was talking about preserving our country from within. "The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them." There are a lot of people who have commented here who need to read and ponder this statement long and hard and, believe it or not, it doesn't have anything to do with an AR-15 semi automatic assault rifle. Reply Anonymous 8/14/09 re: Jack Hugh quote Read the quotes of the founders of the modern school system... most of them were also signers of the Humanist Manifesto Reply Anonymous 7/20/09 re: Frederic Bastiat quote Life is hard. Its harder when you're stupid and lazy. There are VERY rare cases that people legitimately need the government to take care of them. If they refuse to avail themselves of the resources which are already offered to them so that they can care for themselves they are stupid, lazy or both. Until these people are forced to live with the consequences of their actions we will be forced to keep paying for them. 1 Reply Anonymous 7/15/09 re: Adam Weishaupt quote Free education in public schools is the 10th plank of Marx's Communist Mainfesto. All ten planks were enforced here by bankers. lawyers, judges, joirnalists and jerks on juries before we lost 110,000 of our finest in Asia under the pretext of "halting communist expanson" See all ten planks here: and see 6 books FREE by Merrill Jenkins, Monetary Realist (1919-1970). As for the NRA, ALL national organizations have to parot lies and keep secrets from their members, many are here: neither site has advertizing. All it took to enslave the world was to convince the majority that dollars and pounds are things when they are measures of things. Reply Anonymous 7/13/09 re: Ronald Reagan quote Every once in a while when I have an extra minute to click on the quote and read comments, there's good ol' Waffler and its not too shocking that his views are what they are. Not too many conservative minded people have quite so much time on their hands- after all, someone has to work so that wealth can be redistributed! Reply Anonymous 7/10/09 re: Ronald Reagan quote Very True 1Reply Anonymous 7/7/09 re: American Mercury Magazine quote you have it all backwards, the US is the good guy Reply Anonymous 7/6/09 re: Abraham Lincoln quote Everyone needs to consider that at the time the slave ships were traveling to Africa, that in Europe they had built upon hundreds and hundreds of years of establishing a society. Whereas, the slave ships went to Africa and just scooped them up from the jungle. The Pilgrims must be turning over in their graves seeing what happened to the New Worlsd. 11Reply Anonymous 7/6/09 re: Abraham Lincoln quote Abraham Lincoln was opposed to slavery, regardless of color, period. He also realized blacks would never peacefully assimilate into civilized European society, for which reason he invited the black leaders of the day to Washington to discuss setting up a "Negro State" in S. America. They never got back to him, and why would they, they came from the jungle but suddenly has all the benefits of society handed to them. Take a look at any country in Africa today and tell me they can govern themselves. Look what happened in Zimbabwe when they "appropirated" the white owned farms. In just a few years, that country went from being a net exporter of food to one of the most impoverished in the world. Case closed. Reply Anonymous 6/25/09 re: Brad Templeton quote Stupidity has no cure. Neither does liberalism. Coincidence? 1 Reply Anonymous 6/23/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Still so confused why Waffler is on this listserve, there must be some website that would send him/her Karl Marx quotes! Re: the quote, what foresight (or is it forsight, forgive me I'm a product of the government run monopoly we call an education system!). Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print