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Posts from cal, lewisville, tx

cal, lewisville, txcal, lewisville, tx
cal, lewisville, tx

Anonymous believes an umpire or referee can change the rules of the game while on the field even though they did not write the rule book. The thought of a true socialists.

cal, lewisville, tx

You can slap some folks right in the face with the "truth" and they still won't believe it because they do not want to.

cal, lewisville, tx

It would be best if only taxpayers did vote. Those who don't put their money up should not be allowed to vote.

cal, lewisville, tx

Our weapons are the very thing that prevent us from falling in to a dictatorship. Our government knows we can fight back.

cal, lewisville, tx

Mike, I believe i understand his satire here. Folks who feel they have no convictions probably have no tolerance of those they think do. Take ole "head in the clouds" Joe Biden for one.

cal, lewisville, tx

The sound of a true libertarian.

cal, lewisville, tx

Warren, can you give us any Lincoln quotes before the 1860 election showing he was going to end slavery. I think not.

cal, lewisville, tx

You hit it right on the head Jim K.

cal, lewisville, tx

If you want 50 cents from the government, you must first give it $5.00. What a deal. The more you want from the government-the more you must give it.

cal, lewisville, tx

This quote must be in context-surely there is a lot more to read around it, but it describes large and expansive government.

cal, lewisville, tx

Civil service workers in Greece and all Europe are what is breaking the economies of these countries. Will ours be next?

Cal, lewisville, tx

That's right Mike. Barry Goldwater warned us in 1964 that if you give the courts the power of the CIVIL RIGHTS LAW then you give them ALL POWER. Earl Warren took this law with Lyndon Johnson and the Federal government became all power.

cal, lewisville, tx

The left wing socialists actually believe Hillary's book, IT TAKES A VILLAGE.

cal, lewisville, tx

Yes Sandra, they can be so generous and kind-hearted when using someone elses money.

cal, lewisville, tx

Mike, SSN was started as a cash cow for the government to use as it wishes. If the BIG trust fund were there-then why the freeze. The cash cow has run dry.

cal, lewisville, tx

The purpose of the press is only to inform the public what is happening in the world; however, our liberal press tries to make the news and get us to see the spin their own way.

cal, lewisville, tx

J Carlton, I would be for getting rid of trust funds for decendents. They provide for spoiled brats like Ted Kennedy. I'm for inheiritance, but the one who inheirs should have full control so if he wastes it-so be it.

cal, lewisville, tx

If Kennedy felt this way, then why was he the liberal trying to consolidate all power for DC.

cal, lewisville, tx

You are right Jim K. The 18th ammendent of our constitution was just a joke and so is this war on drugs. What a person does to himself is his business, but public tax money should never go to him when he hits bottom.

cal, lewisville, tx

We have our enemies outside our own borders, but our greatest enemies are the liberals within our own borders.

cal, lewisville, tx

I tolerate anyone who cares for his own business and does not interfere with mine. Natural law is what our Declaration of Independence is all about.

cal, lewisville, tx

Anonymous, you must think we are all of an ant bed or bee hive. We are not social insects. Socialism will not work and the fall of Europe is now begining to prove that.

cal, lewisville, tx

Boy, are we way out of balance now.

cal, lewisville, tx

Spencer said governments should leave society alone and it would evolve and solve it's own problems. Our own government never listens.

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