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Posts from cal, lewisville, tx

cal, lewisville, txcal, lewisville, tx
cal, lewisville, tx

Well said J Carlton. Ron Paul is working on the FED right now!

cal, lewisville, tx

Our weapons are our only way to keep our government in check!

cal, lewisville, tx

Yes Mike, the entire government ollks at the Constitution very liberaly with a very loose interpretation-if they even bother to look at it at all.

cal, lewisville, tx

Our own government feels otherwise!

cal, lewisville, tx

If I were a burglar I would choose the home to rob which I knew had no guns.

cal, lewisville, tx

Aristotle placed TRUTH even above Plato!

cal, lewisville, tx

Tyrants, yes, ones like Joesph Stalin and Lyndon Johnson. Waffler, mark my word. The Copenhagen deal will make some few a ton of money-and we the consumers will be paying it!

cal, lewisville, tx

Sadly J Carlton, Bush was right. The Supreme Court says we may read it, but the court will tell you what it says. Do we really have written law or is it only a judge's opinion? Your fellow Libertarian.

cal, lewisville, tx

The problem is the ones who decide what is constitutional and what is not.

cal, lewisville, tx

The Earl Warren and Burger courts never went by the constitution, but by "popular public opinion!"

cal, lewisville, tx

Government thieves never get the sentencing that common thieves get.

cal, lewisville, tx

You are so right Jim K, Austin. Political correctness like Chris Mathews, but not Hannity or Beck. The late show "Politically Incorrect" did not last very long because it was TOO truthful. It actually hurt someone's feelings.

cal, lewisville, tx

J Carlton, I agree with you totally.

cal, lewisville, tx

Yeah Waffler, like Al Gore invented the internet. His necessary mansion and private jet cause a lot more pollution than you may figure.

cal, lewisville, tx

The way i see it, the New England rich liberals want to help the poor at the expence of the middle class. Understand why now the middle class is shrinking and the gap between the rich and working class is getting wider.

cal, lewisville, tx

Some truth. The government spent the Social Security surplus and has run the debt up to comfort the older generation and now expect the younger generation to foot the bill for programs that won't be there for them when they get older. Live big now-let the next generation pay for it.

cal, lewisville, tx

Like watching a political convention-the more we see, the less we know!

cal, lewisville, tx

The medias are becoming tabloids-and a lot of nuts actually believe what they hear or read!

cal, lewisville, tx

You couldn't have said it any better J Carlton.

cal, lewisville, tx

Robert, Houston-my dad jumped with the 82nd airborne in Italy under Clark and he has nothing good to say about him as you, but the communist cycle is called socialism now and we need to beware.

cal, lewisville, tx

Because the "real" truth is hidden or no one really wants to hear it!

cal, lewisville, tx

Chivalry is respect for one another, so out of style and way-out in today's world! It is not what the individual needs to be self sufficent, but what society needs in our "social engineering!"

cal, lewisville, tx

These days it is not the truth that will set us free, but the lack of it!

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