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Posts from jim k, austin tx

jim k, austin txjim k, austin tx
jim k, austin tx

Now remember, it's for our own good that bureaucrats pester us.

jim k, austin tx

Those "external authorities" just might be the government.

jim k, austin tx

Check out LEAP.cc to see how this War on Drugs is creating crime in the streets, corruption of law enforcement agencies, filling our jails to overflowing, making drugs readily available to children, and at a cost of billions per year. And it has not stopped drug use and never will.

jim k, austin tx

David,Hollywood, I fear that some of that pixie dust from Hollywood has scrambled your brain. Freedom is always chaotic as people make choices, not always correct ones. Now you have a communist mayor of New York that wants to decide what's best for everyone in the empire city.

jim k, austin tx

Anonymous,Eugene, I can forgive your idiocy since you live in the liberal , nut capitol of the planet, Eugene, Oregon. Thank goodness that Gates is gone.

jim k, austin tx

An-slinger was slinging pure nonsense. What a bigoted idiot.

jim k, austin tx

This is why judges gave so many harsh prison time to people who smoked a joint. This was a natural result of this horrible, so called War onDrugs.

jim k, austin tx

The War on Drugs is nothing more than a war on people. It increases crime, bribes law enforcement, makes drugs readily available to children, fills our jails to overflowing,costs billions per year, and a host of other problems. To learn more, go to "LEAP.cc. on the web.

jim k, austin tx

George, how can you disagree with this quote. this is exactly right and well said.

jim k, austin tx

This gateway notion is nonsense. Well, maybe it's a gateway drug to tobacco, a far worse habit. Let people decide what they take into their bodies.

jim k, austin tx

The purpose of education should be to teach students to think for themselves and to question everything.

jim k, austin tx

E Archer and anonymous are correct.

jim k, austin tx

Obama is setting a weak example for the rest of the world. He hates this country and wants to pull it down to third world status.

jim k, austin tx

"Over seas and at "home", we are fouling up both.

jim k, austin tx

And don't worry, when they get "all" the guns,criminals will still have them.

jim k, austin tx

Too many people think that government is their parent. A great quote from L. Neal Smith is as follows. "Government is a disease masquerading as it.s own cure."

jim k, austin tx

This quote is great, right on target.

jim k, austin tx

Walter Williams is dead on as he usually is. Anonymous never disappoints, always spouting the party line.

jim k, austin tx

Sums it up in one sentence.

jim k, austin tx

Christian is a sort of generic term. If we argue a point or discuss it, we need to define our terms. The word christian means different things to different people.

jim k, austin tx

A good motto for a state that gives us Barney Frank, John Kerry and a host of ultra left people.

jim k, austin tx

I agree with Mary-Mi on this subject.

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