Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [826-850] of 1148Posts from rbesrqrbesrq Previous 25 Next 25 3 Reply RBESRQ 8/11/09 re: H. L. Mencken quote Excellent! I may have made that error - sorry guys... Reply RBESRQ 8/8/09 re: Abraham Lincoln quote I'm using the word philosophy with regard to its original intent... Reply RBESRQ 8/7/09 re: Dr. Jim Boren quote Love it! Reply RBESRQ 8/7/09 re: Abraham Lincoln quote Mike, I think an intellectual conversation between the two philosophies, the believer and the non-believer, is healthy. Well said too... Reply RBESRQ 8/6/09 re: J. P. Morgan quote Good point Carlton - bring in the demolition squad. Why is it? is it because the power of the CIA/Corp/military machine, and as was said in yesterday's blog, they are made to watch the "grassy knoll" Reply RBESRQ 8/6/09 re: Abraham Lincoln quote Jim, SELF is the greatest god - all that there is is within each of us. We are the one's that make gods and some in our image. Yes, many times I too have experienced this uncanny telepathic behavior; mostly I put it down to chance. I think of myself as an Atheist; my philosophy is never say never, and nothing is final. Tell me, does an Atheist have no beliefs in any possible existence of a supernatural power? or the existence of a superior sentient being on perhaps another planet in another galaxy? If some or all (on this blog) believe in evolution, that humans evolved from the sea, is there the slightest possibility that during this time and perhaps the time before (other existences like Earth or another class M planet), that the mind evolved to such a level that thought was able to exist beyond the life of the body? As Buddha said: ■Believe nothing merely because you have been told it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be kind, conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings ■ that doctrine believe and cling to, and take it as your guide■. If I had a religion it would be Kindness■ ■ I think the Dalai Lama said this. Though I am an Atheist there is always that nagging feeling in the back of my mind that somehow, through the mighty expanse of time; that there is an higher existence going on that is non-material. Reply RBESRQ 8/5/09 re: James Buchanan quote Reminds me of the boat ditty - Mike, just take it as it is, funny, and for many VERY TRUE, as it could mean all those speaking engagements and chairman of boards. Reply RBESRQ 8/5/09 re: Abraham Lincoln quote Perhaps if he had let the first one go we would need to worry about it happening again. Just think, all that blood spilt for naught... The Dome today is a long way from hell as it now represents the Gold at the end of the rainbow. Jim, all there is regardless of our Universe - in other words we are all that there is. In the human body a septillion actions occur at any given moment ten times more processes than there are stars in the universe – we are each a universe. Source: Paul Hawken. Reply RBESRQ 8/3/09 re: Bill Clinton quote The Republicans are a curse to the globe, nothing but terrorists disguised as freedom fighters. Since WWII the US has supported nearly all right wing dictatorships and in many cases have forced out democratically elected leaders - we are a scourge waiting to be cleansed. 2 Reply RBESRQ 8/3/09 re: Michael Reagan quote What a joke... again, not worth commenting - now if it was a serious comparison, that's another story. Reply RBESRQ 8/3/09 re: Bill Clinton quote I see this as a ruse... not worth comment Reply RBESRQ 8/3/09 re: Ronald Reagan quote He should know... Reply RBESRQ 7/30/09 re: Douglas Casey quote Archer you are wrong Reply RBESRQ 7/29/09 re: Douglas Casey quote It's amazingly true - I have often observed the poor giving what little they have to others in need while the wealthy are oblivious to whets going on. The biggest contributor to the Obama Presidential campaign were the average person in the street who gave their $5 and some a little more because they wanted change and what did they get for their support - well, let's put it this way, they got Bush III. Another observation is that the poor know what it's like to be poor and therefore they help those in need. Perhaps, the wealthy executives of America who constitute a third of all American wages and politicians who rape the coffers could go deeper into their pockets to help families who are unable to afford health insurance or put food on their tables. If the disparities between the have and have-nots get much worse I see July 14th, 1789 happening allover again and it won't be with pitch forks and machetes. Reply RBESRQ 7/25/09 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote We were only a few votes from speaking German 1 Reply RBESRQ 7/24/09 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote Yes, yes, yes, Please let this happen - my only reason for not wanting it to happen is that those states which are today more fundamental, and the antithesis of liberalism, will become more so and further the separation of the people of this continent - this will lead to its isolationism which for our children would be detrimental (but this could be overcome through creative alliances). America's policy up until the WWll was non-intervention and protectionism (and then we invade other sovereign states – what hypocrisy) - it wasn't until American corporations realized the profit to be made from war and a free market that they did 180 degree change. A free market only works when there are equal terms. The biggest component in any foreign trade policy is one of labor and its costs. If America continues along its present path we will have States wishing to secede and that may be a good thing for the continent – perhaps an alliance with regard to Security may be the only common denominator. Shooterman makes a valid point. Reply RBESRQ 7/23/09 re: Clarence Thomas quote I never thought I would ever agree with this guy. Reply RBESRQ 7/22/09 re: Judge Joyce Hens Green quote You people make me laugh - most were not capture on the battlefield... who are we to say they were POW. How dare we use this as a reason to lock up ANYONE caught in its crossfire. Archer good response... Reply RBESRQ 7/22/09 re: Felix Frankfurter quote ditto re my comments on one and three Reply RBESRQ 7/22/09 re: Earl Warren quote Yes, the same as my comment, re, Judge Green. Perhaps those who so fervently gave a thumbs down, re; Judge Green should also comment on this quote. Reply RBESRQ 7/22/09 re: Judge Joyce Hens Green quote I'm with you Carlton (what are we becoming?) Guantanamo is a disgrace to any true American or should I say human being. How dare we allow such crimes when we prosecute other countries for the same - we are such hypocrites. Due process must apply to everyone otherwise we become like our enemies - no better than mud in the street. We should rise above this gutter behavior if we are to be a great nation again. The Judge is 101% correct (that is of course if you are civilized). Mike, Archer, and the other usual bloggers, you are conspicuous by your absence. Please, please, don't tell me you agree with these first six comments. Reply RBESRQ 7/21/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote I love the sentiment but its not reality Reply RBESRQ 7/21/09 re: Phillip Finch quote You may not like it but that's tough. Reply RBESRQ 7/21/09 re: Robert Frost quote OJ comes to mind Reply RBESRQ 7/20/09 re: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. quote For us to move forward this must be paramount and then we can get on with the order of the day. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print