Stephen P. Halbrook Quote

“Such questions have never been discussed in scholarly publications because the Nazi laws, policies, and practices have never been adequately documented. The record establishes that a well-meaning liberal republic would enact a gun control act that would later be highly useful to a dictatorship.”

~ Stephen P. Halbrook

"Nazi Firearms Law and the Disarming of the German Jews," Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law, Vol. 17, No. 3 (2000), pp. 483-535

Ratings and Comments

Anonymous, Reston, VA US

As well as taking steps to establish state religion... just as we are doing today...

Dick Trice, Fort Worth

Another ignorant interpretation of guns and their influence by the gun nuts. It made no difference in Germany whether its citizens had guns or not. When Hitler acquired control of the press and of the people by his mesmerizing demagoguery any guns owned by the people would have been aimed just where Hitler wanted them to be. That same demagoguery, minus a literate leader, has attained the same mind control in this country as existed in Germany. Dictatorship depends on the quality of understanding by the people, not the prevalence of guns.

Joe, Rochester, MI

It DID make a difference who had guns. Non-Jewish Germans may have owned guns, but that's not whose guns were being taken away. Millions of disarmed Jews were herded off to their deaths, while armed Jews were able to resist the Nazis. An "...ignorant interpretation of guns..."? You are obviously an anti-American Socialist, who does not understand the significance of your attack on the Constitution of the United States, specifically the Second Amendment. To better balance your skewed knowledge, I suggest you read The Second Amendment Primer by Les Adams.

James H, Independence,Missouri

I agree with you Joe.

J Carlton, Calgary

And in this age of enlightenment...every gun grabbing Liberal out there knows they are advocating an eventual police state. They are indeed sick individuals.

Mike, Norwalk

Joe, well said. Obomunist, his czars and stars (inclusive of Reid / Pelosi and the rest of the theocratic gangsters) seem to prefer a Hitleresque style of governing for their statist theocracy (as but a couple of illustrations in a myriad of examples: acting contrary to 200+ years of laws concerning bankruptcy in the nationalization of the car industry; promoting lies to ruinous results and enslaving the people such as through global warming, and at every turn a new twist on how to eliminate guns / ammo from the once sovereign). A from Reston is correct in his as assertion of a state religion. The statist theocracy that infests this land is attempting to establish its denominational atheism (complete with its unlawful canons concerning mother earth) by disarming, through canon enforcement, all possible unbelieving heretics.

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Anon    3/19/10

A foot in the door is the tactic they use in all cases. Some control eventually leads to total control. A trojan horse in every case.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Firearm support is promoted by none other than the individuals with no substantive values to express. Opposition to firearms have morals and values that they believe with guide past the violence. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create intelligence. 

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 4/3/24

Correction: Firearms support is promoted by none other than those individuals with no substantive values to express. Opposition to firearms have morals and values that they believe will guide them past the violence. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create intelligence.

Mike, Norwalk
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Mike, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 4/3/24

Sillik, AGAIN  your circular word salad without defined terms is an empty valueless expression. You are kinda-sorta almost close to accurate when you reference it is a belief (not reality;  and wrong) that morals and values (non-defined) oppose firearms.


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