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Posts from ABBY


40,000 new laws for 2014


30c3: To Protect And Infect, Part 2 on youtube


"... If America ever does seek Empire, ... then planned reforms in our domestic life will be abandoned, States Rights will be abolished - in order to impose a centralized government upon us for the purpose of internal repudiation of freedom, and adventures abroad. The American Dream will then die - on battlefields all over the world - and a nation conceived in liberty will destroy liberty for Americans and impose tyranny on subject nations." George S Boutwell, (1818-1905) American statesman, Governor, Senator and Representative


That was then...


http://youtu.be/H-qLUQlmBk4 on youtube or look up Rosa Koire on youtube...you must know what is happening in YOUR town...wickedness in happening DAILY


5 stars for Mike's answer


Cities, counties and states are now trying to nullify NDAA in their areas. Go to www.tenthamendmentcenter.com. CA has a bill that just passed a senate committee and is moving along...San Francisco has already passed a bill...it is not impossible to take back the states...


Smart meters, technocracy, carbon currency, USPS logs mail for FBI, NSA, seriously, no matter how free you attempt to be, there are those who will soon stifle, oppress...Metro, Agenda 21, United Nations, NDAA, Patriot Act, I'm just saying....


Mary, You kill it, you buy it, you collect it from the wild, or you grow it.You trade your food for something else. You don't necessarily grow it in a collective area unless you choose to do so. You have a choice in the matter or with whom you may want to collaborate with to bring food to the table.


I think our government persons now appoint non-governmental agencies to make rules so the people have no ability to disagree nor recourse to fight, as with the EPA. Soon our representative form of government will be gone and we will have 'experts' deciding every part of our lives.


Robin: Maybe they have children because they are growing an army...?


Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary: begins like this: n. waunt. [Sax. wan, supra; wanian, to fail; Goth. wan, deficiency, want. This seems to be primarily a participle of wane.]
1. Deficiency; defect; the absence of that which is necessary or useful; as a want of power or knowledge for any purpose; want of food and clothing. The want of money is a common want. 2Cor. viii, ix.
From having wishes in consequence of our wants, we often feel wants in consequence of our wishes. Rambler. Vol.II
2. Need; necessity; the effect of deficiency. Pride is as loud a beggar as want, *and more saucy. Franklin
3. Poverty; penury indigence.
Nothing is so hard for those who abound in riches as to conceive how others can be in want. Swift
4. The state of not having. I cannot write a letter at present for want of time.
5. That which is not possessed, but is desired or necessary for use or pleasure.
Habitual superfluities become actual wants. Paley

It is an old dictionary, re-published and might help.


Don't fill out the questions about race until they add American. The American race...otherwise those questions are dividing.


Wishful thinking. We have countrymen who have been deliberately dumbed down (read Charlott Iserbyt) now since the 70s and a current population that has no clue what identifies the United States of America. Two important documents, The Declaration of Independence and The united States Constitution and Bill of Rights defines America...but find anyone 45 or under who is aware of what those documents say and mean and you have found a self motivated person or one who was home schooled. The rest were taught the state is the provider, protector, and god to which the people owe their existence. Hayek would turn vomit green at what the US has become...whiney, divided, simpering, handwringing, dolts with their hands out...and now, the Feds are dipping into the Amendments. The people idle by like this is no big deal. It is the end deal...if who the USA is as a country mattered. Feinstein presented her bill yesterday....and it is going to be pushed hard and fast...just the opposite direction of the fed's gun running fast and furious. This will be the year of disarming America and with that federal gain liberty will be gone...but then we do have NDAA...so it is anyway, right? It is the people who have rolled over exposing their belly...and those who desire power have placed their boot on it. Are we strong enuff to shake them off and stand? We are a defined Country...and it is a great definition to be a defined republic with a written Constitution. DEMAND we be respected or file recalls for those who would forget they work for you and I. We are the higher power in our country--the people!


The truth always comes along to bite you in the butt...if you don't seek it out first.


to say nothing of the huge number of innocents that have been killed...it is staggering, but is it by design? Is it to decrease the population and empower the UN? One must consider that....as our own country is destroyed...and why is that? http://youtu.be/sLPfxDV2WM8 Rosa Koire on Agenda 21 and ICLEI (there are other speakers, but she is good at explaining it...)


and now we have the United Nations' Agenda 21 and the hundreds of programs that have been bought into it running our very lives in this country and others---and we don't blink an eye. See what 50 years of communist television will do to you...indoctrinate the masses...and you can control them...my God, where has all the wisdom gone? Where are the adults? Where is self respect? self responsibility, self reliability, slef sufficiency? Give me a free cell phone and you can have my vote? Is that what we have become? apparently so...and how very sad for the human race! Please look up Rosa Koire and any of her enlightening speeches around the country on this subject...(youtube)...Democrats against the UNs Agenda 21...


Article I, Section 8: The Congress shall have Power ... To declare war, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water; To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of that Use shall be for a longer Term than two years; To Provide and manitain a Navy; To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces ... US Constitution PS, who is John Dobbins? There are over 50 listed online and they range from angel investor to non-profit ceo, to Naval Academy...to Kohl's manager...who is this one?


and there it is...


not enuff info to comment


Who benefits from the war on drugs? prisons, sheriff's depts, firemen, Highway Patrol, Marshal's, ATF, local police, DEA, Judges, the list of tax paid agencies is endless...what would be the benefit to those with a little power to vote to end the drug war?


the difference between charity and force...the first is a gift from an individual, the latter is theft (a crime no matter what heading it is under)


history repeats.....blah blah blah....no one pays attention....

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