Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [926-950] of 1306Posts from Cal, lewisville, txCal, lewisville, tx Previous 25 Next 25 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 8/9/10 re: Lord Acton quote Well said Jim, a fellow Texan and Libertarian. 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/5/10 re: William Cowper quote Waffler never heard of cutting government spending. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/5/10 re: Judge Robert Bork quote Bork had the best qualifications when he was nominated for the Supreme Court, but Ted Kennedy broke the agreed on senate rules to stop him. This was a loss to us all. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/4/10 re: John Dryden quote Reminds me of when I received my drivers licence. This freedom felt so good. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/4/10 re: George Will quote One should not be controled by others, but should also have control of one's self. 3 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/30/10 re: Orville Browning quote It is the worst ammendent in the government's constitution. Uh, what happened to our constitution? Reply Cal, lewisville, tx 7/28/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote One cannot blame the companies for going to other countries to set up shop with the unfriendly government and labor unions here toward innovation. 3 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/28/10 re: Ron Paul quote I had no problem voting for Ron Paul in the Republican Primary. Comparing him to McCain made voting for Paul so easy. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/27/10 re: Lord Byron quote Our own nation, not the foreign powers, is becoming our worst enemy. Individual freedom is going with the wind. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/26/10 re: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quote Thank heaven we won't have to pay just to breathe for now. Harry Reid is not going after the CAP AND TRADE tax until after the elections. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/26/10 re: Gilbert Keith Chesterton quote The government should just look in the mirror to find the problem. 4 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/26/10 re: Michael Badnarik quote Take peoples freedom away all at once and they will revolt overnight, but just take a little at a time and they don't seem to notice it until too late. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/23/10 re: Tupper Saussy quote Our money system is only a "pretend" system. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/23/10 re: Stephen T. Byington quote I would much rather be paid in precious metal than government debt notes. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/22/10 re: Richard Armey quote Reston looks for a way to blind himself from seeing how that date keeps extending. It will be January till June soon. 1Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/22/10 re: Richard Armey quote I would rather see a national sales tax then this conglomerate income tax we have. The government would not have any reason to get into our personal business with a national sales tax. 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/22/10 re: Richard Armey quote Dick was our congressman for years. He is known for calling a spade-a-spade. He calls Barney Frank(Barney Fag). He tried to get rid of double taxation if that was for helping the rich as Robert says. It actually would help any small man get larger and he does not believe in giving our money to the government because they know how to spend it better for us. Each person should take charge of one's self. Robert shows here that Houston and Austin in this state are liberal as NYC and Chicago. 21Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/20/10 re: John Adams quote Waffler, the government collects more from those who buy and sell when taxes are lower and less from those who buy and hold because taxes are higher. Do you know anything about investing? You should worry about the 40% of Americans who paid no federal income taxes last year. These are the ones who cost the government the most. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/20/10 re: James Ronald Kennedy and Walter Donald Kennedy quote Waffler, just get rid of the bailouts and the social programs on the federal level then who would be complaining. 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/12/10 re: Alexander Pope quote True Anon. It was said in Nazi Germany that a jew said, "Do what you want with me only don't take my money!" Here also most would give up freedoms to keep their wealth. They would surrender freedom to keep their material goods. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/2/10 re: Thomas Moore quote Better dead than red 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/2/10 re: Learned Hand quote My error this morning-it deserves no stars Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/2/10 re: Learned Hand quote He says we must have liberty in our hearts and not worry about it in practice-what kind of liberty is this?????? Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/1/10 re: Frederick the Great quote Don't put him down for being a monarch. Remember that the first democratically elected leader in Germany was good ole Adof Hitler. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 6/25/10 re: James Madison quote One should look at the experiences of the past before undertaking something new. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print