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Posts from Patrick Henry, Red Hill

Patrick Henry, Red HillPatrick Henry, Red Hill
Patrick Henry, Red Hill

Objectively, the most starkly hypocritical figures among us are they who are exponents of the wanton destruction, by means of abortion and infanticide, of the lives of those who, among us all, are most nearly innocent.
Virtually unfailingly, are advocates of abortion ardent opponents of capital punishment, identifying, as they do, not with the innocent but with those for whom capital punishment is, under certain, stringently defined, circumstances, entirely condign.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

Generally, a means by which the dishonest and dishonorable endeavor to exploit the vulnerability of those who want for depths of rightly developed discernment.

As it written:

"God is not the author of confusion ..."

~ I Corinthians 14:33

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

Conservatism was the prelapsarian mode of Man.

The conservation of Virtue is the quintessence of conservatism.

The genius of Locke.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

It is the lamentable lot of Fallen Man to commonly find himself being virtually compelled to opt for what is, seemingly, the lesser of two evils.

Tragically, those who found themselves existing in states of abject subjection to Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro et al., ad nauseum, were shorn of even that miserable privilege.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a right choice.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

To be unfettered by arbitrary, temporally imposed, encumbrances is to be truly Free.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

The unconstrained right of self defense cannot be decoupled from the unalienable rights of Life and Liberty.

A right inestimable to the law abiding and peace loving and formidable to tyrants and tyrants-in-waiting only.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

The Light of Liberty will ever shine.

Lamentably, the restoration of the
glorious Republic bequeathed to us by
our illustrious Founders is another matter.

The presence or absence of the influence of the catholicon of ennobling Virtue will make the defining and deciding difference.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

Every word of the Constitution resounds with the Virtue illumined understanding of the Drafters.

Accordingly, the Constitution is the Noblest work of Man, of its kind, and is subordinate in its sublimity only to the Bible.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

As it is written:

“For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.”

~ Romans 10:3

Illiberal contemporary "liberals" are latter day Pharisees who would presume, by legal means, to endeavor to bind us all in the cords of their contrived notionsof righteous practice.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

The martial misuse of language had its genesis in the Garden when Beelzebub, the archetypal psychotic and practitioner of psychopolitical warfare, seductively uttered to Adam and Eve:

" Yea, hath God said ..."

All who dwell beyond the bounds of the constraint of Virtue are as "liberal" in their
misuse of language as Adam and Eve proved to be in their interpretation of the Divine Mandate.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

The power to prosecute is the power to destroy.

What have become of the mandates of the Constitution regarding, most consequentially, the presumption of innocence and the provision of free, fair
and expeditious trials by impartial juries?.

In this day, commonly, overweening prosecutors are instruments of lawlessness,
less prosecutors than rogue inquisitors, acting under the tutelage of ideology and of prejudice.

E.g., Robert Mueller

Welcome to Soviet America.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

Every crime is born of sin, not of necessity.

The inverted order that generally prevails on the planet is an effect or an effect of an effect, not a cause.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

In the absence of the ennobling and tempering influence of Virtue, justice, ultimately, is a chimera.

Lamentably, the legalistically censorious spirit of the Pharisee flourishes in Fallen Man.

Accordingly, there are few who are so objective as to be suitably equipped to judge righteously.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

As it is written:

" For I was alive without the law once: but when then the commandment came, sin revived and I died.
And the commandment, which was ordained unto life, I found to be unto death. For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me and by it slew me."

~ Romans 7:9-11

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

As Sovereign Individuals, under the aegis of the Constitution, all Americans ought to esteem themselves to be under a solemn obligation to be the self sacrificial instruments of the preservation, protection and defense of the Noblest work of Man, of its kind, so help them God.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

The Declaration of Independence and Constitution are the most Noble works of
Man, of their kinds, in history, subordinate only to the Bible in their sublimity.

The Nobility of the animating Spirit of the Founders and the elegance of their prose resounds through the generations.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

The Truth stands on its own merits.

Ultimately, by whom can it be gainsaid?

As Daniel Webster expressed it:

" There is nothing so powerful as truth, and often nothing so strange."

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

The viability of the Constitution and the durability of the American Experiment have ever been, and will ever remain, predicated upon the Virtue of We The People.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

Ask Dr. Joseph Warren et al.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

How Noble was the guidance of the Founding Principles.

The Nation ascended to unprecedented greatness under the aegis of their tutelage.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

A knave and blackguard should know.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

The irreproachable insight of the illustrious Founder, John Adams, one of the foremost architects of the greatest temporal engine of human progress that the planet has ever known.

The year 1776 was, indeed, an annus mirabilis.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

The perfection of governmental organization is engendered by and realized in:

" Thou shalt Love thy neighbor ..."


" Thou shalt not covet ..."

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

It remains unquestionably true that:

" Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence; the palaces of kings are built on the bowers of the ruins of paradise."

~ Tom Paine
" Common Sense " - 1776

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