Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [201-225] of 692Posts from Patrick Henry, Red HillPatrick Henry, Red Hill Previous 25 Next 25 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/23/18 re: Adolf Hitler quote Originally, perhaps, one of the bases of Stalin's having deemed him trustworthy... 3 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/22/18 re: Ludwig von Mises quote It is not that the exponents of socialism and its variations are averse to particular persons being powerful and privileged, it is that it is a matter of perfect conviction for them that it is they, perfect studies in moral and intellectual superiority whom they esteem themselves to be, who ought to be powerful and privileged.So much for egalité. 3 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/22/18 re: Ronald Reagan quote Marxism-Leninism is an animated by animus, rooted in envy based resentment, psychopathologically illusive ideology that is utterly nihilistic by its unnatural nature. 5 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/22/18 re: Xavier Lerma quote The prevalence of pravda in Pravda far exceeds the prevalence of pravda in the effusions of the hysterical pseudo journalistic-cryptopropagandistic Fifth Columnists of this nation's generally subversive Fourth Estate. 2 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/19/18 re: Paul Valéry quote Objectively, Liberty, in its perfection, is a state of spiritual, moral, mental, emotional and behavioral being that is informed and sustained by Virtue alone. Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/19/18 re: Joseph Sobran quote As persistent as is the intractable, other than by dint of the ever ennobling influence of Virtue, character frailty of radically Fallen Man that renders him fearful and indolent, thus susceptible to relinquishing his priceless Sovereignty, in exchange for supposed "safety" and "ease". Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/19/18 re: George Washington quote The viability and vitality of the Constitution are entirely predicated upon the Virtue, as it manifests its ennobling presence in their morality, of We the People. 2 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/18/18 re: Big Brother quote A subtly less sinister rendering of: "Arbeit macht frei." 2 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/17/18 re: Karl Marx quote Marx, in his personal habitudes, was a perfect personification of the ethos of his contemptible creed. 3 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/17/18 re: Eric Hoffer quote Anyone for whom the pursuit of power, other than that of personal sovereignty, is a singular objective, is, necessarily, utterly unworthy of possessing power. 3 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/17/18 re: Leon Trotsky quote Socialism:The religion of the irreligious fanatic. 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/16/18 re: Ayn Rand quote As no less a lightless Communist luminary than Mao Tse-tung expressed it:" Communism has nothing to do with love.Communism is an excellent hammer that we use to destroy our enemy."Absent from the calculus of Ayn Rand is a reflective of Reality notion of what is, in actuality, the rooted in illumined Spirituality nature of true Humanity.The ennoblement of Man, by Virtue, does make in him a crucially defining difference. 4 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/15/18 re: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quote Lamentably, his Movement successors, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, et al., want for his vision, having revealed themselves to be little more than opportunistic and incendiary epigones. 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/15/18 re: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quote A noble aspiration.It remains true that the fallenness of Fallen Man cannot be exorcised by political or psychopolitical means. 2 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/15/18 re: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quote How blessed the marchers were not to have been required to pursue justice in China, the people of which, in 1963, were experiencing the glories of Mao's "Great Leap Forward", noteworthy aspects of which were mass starvation and cannibalism. 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/12/18 re: John Lubbock quote The decisions of those who are principled are taken for them by their principles. 2 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/12/18 re: Ronald Reagan quote In the absence of humility, an impossibility. 2 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/12/18 re: George Santayana quote Discernment does make the defining difference. 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/10/18 re: Mark Twain quote Do the right thing. It will redound to the world's and your own benefit. 2 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/10/18 re: Henry Taylor quote Most sublimely, conscience is the instrument of the communication of the promptings of the One Who speaks in a still, small voice. 2 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/10/18 re: Christopher Marlowe quote Virtue, as is manifests itself in Goodness, is the perfection of Beauty. 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/9/18 re: George Bernard Shaw quote Generally, a deceiver most deceives himself with his deceptions. 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/9/18 re: George Berkeley quote A paltry rationale for the dishonesty of any who are dishonest. 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/9/18 re: William Shakespeare quote A pure example of the insight of the ever astute Bard of Avon. 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/8/18 re: Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. quote For those who have been rendered righteous, righteousness is easiest in the moment. 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