Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [351-375] of 382Posts from Ron w13, OrRon w13, Or Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Ron w13, Or 4/1/14 re: Andrew Johnson quote Grid lock. Too many eat of the scraps that fall from the table. Contempt for the Constitution, Bleeding hearts, each with their cause, seducing away, the honey. Hiding behind their shield of privilege. The undercurrent of global socialism, pulling strong, to tear down what remains of liberty and freedom. By the yoke of oppression upon the masses, kings and queens parade themselves before the people. Tossing crumbs to the poor and downtrodden. I'm sorry your wage is not enough, but I must raise the rent. The governor must have his due. Leave it to the fed to feed their servants, as they all sit behind closed doors pondering their next move. They must have their profit, while we have no justice. 2 Reply Ron w13, Or 3/31/14 re: Ayn Rand quote Just as Lincoln new he had let the cat into the room. So did FDR. For those that have done well with their capital ventures and corp privilege, to think you might abolish slavery while being a willing participant, is an insult to common sense. To check greed in a capitalistic way is to maintain the children's rights. Once removed, all become slaves. A closer look at the tax laws, revels the true burden, and where to be placed. Let the real leopard out of the bag, then you have a revolution. Overburdening the people and the planet is caused by unchecked envy and greed. The god of this world helps us to lay in the bed we have made. Unsustainable and self destructive. Anything but natural is business as usual. Cut down all the trees, and dig it all out of the ground. Then what is left ? A desert with no place to live. Reply Ron w13, Or 3/31/14 re: Chief Joseph quote Live free at peace, or die well. Choctaw. Reply Ron w13, Or 3/31/14 re: Ammon Hennacy quote Mike, I agree whole heartedly. But it seems to go in one ear and out the other with some. Capitalizing through stolen rights as a shield, Rights to property and wages, stolen long ago. We should not have to compromise our integrity. Some times less is more, epicurean. Some times the poor sleep better than the wealthy. But it does take faith in God to supply your need. The one eyed Cyclops has the world by the &^%$. How many times must the Mothers and Fathers build a home and farm to raise and leave their children, for a lively hood ? Grants Pass has been a hot bed of anarchy for a long time. Many little hitlers. But they don't have the corner on that one. There are bandits in the hills. Our gov new very well that this demise would come about, when the banks broke the back through over inflating of prices. Capitalism is a great tool of Socialism when used improperly. It is bringing about the fall of our Republic. 1 Reply Ron w13, Or 3/31/14 re: Ayn Rand quote Rosenthal and many more on the big tit ! It seems for the socialist, to bring about the fall of our Republic, works well with, inundation of undeserving individuals, drawing and wanting much more than they paid in. Let alone blatant throwing away, of our wealth. What to do with an aging population? If, mind you, our savings had been allowed to come to compound. Each would have enough within moderation, after working a life time, say thirty to forty years. Envy of a steady check, regardless if they earned it or not ! It is the sign of a thief, and a cheat. Rearden, if that is your attitude as a teacher, you blame the children for ignorance, when it is, actually the opposite. Greed guards the gold ! That's why so few have it. I am not free because of my pocket book, but by integrity. Some feel the robbery more than others. But we are all, still stolen from. I choose not to hid behind corp privilege. It is a stolen right. Fear tactics are alive and well, anarchy, doom, gloom. Sells books, TV's , and make up for Halloween. And evidently they gobble it up like candy. 1 Reply Ron w13, Or 3/29/14 re: Alf Mapp, Jr. quote Put a servant on a horse, he will ride away a king, As with a limousine. 1 Reply Ron w13, Or 3/28/14 re: Alf Mapp, Jr. quote It tis nice to have a bit of sunshine in the room, now and then. Makes the day, a bit brighter on these cloudy days. Well be said from, helorat, Milton. Reply Ron w13, Or 3/28/14 re: Albert Einstein quote Spirit of tolerance, long suffering with your brethren. So simple. Reply Ron w13, Or 3/28/14 re: Abraham Lincoln quote One of the most insightful looks into his mind ! The cat was let into the room, and he knew it. Discouraging litigation, Be a peace maker. Words wisely spoken. Paul spoke also along these lines of things amongst ourselves. Mark that perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace. A Psalm of King David, 37:37, in one accord, 101:6, as Job 36:4. Phil 3:13, IICorin 10:12thru18 . Press toward the mark, brethren. Reply Ron w13, Or 3/27/14 re: Jeff Jacoby quote It is much more relaxed, to speak among those that have a degree of, seeking understanding. Many do curb their tongue, now more than before, in the presence of a sound mind. Hope is not lost, as some may think. Around us all, are willing minds with ears that hear, what is needed now more than ever before, is ( longsuffering ), with your fellow human being. Open rebuke is better than secret love. Spoken by the wisest man to have ever lived. So love and caring are manifest. We are not fools, but do wish to educate. Tempering the Art of skill with the Art of love. It takes two to care. Our neighbors and more over, their children are everywhere. Speak wisely to their children, and their parents will pay attention. Do not treat them as children, but as adults, lovingly so. No child likes to be talked down to, or as if. Reply Ron w13, Or 3/27/14 re: Jonathan Mayhew quote I think this preacher was as mad, as one can get ! Almost. Reply Ron w13, Or 3/27/14 re: Jeff Jacoby quote It has and always will be our right to speak freely. Contraries and lackidasicals , trouble makers, class clowns, want attention. Some do get the lesson in class, others don't. It seems and now is more than ever before, that distraction at home causes most disgruntled behavior among children, and adults. Cheap fixes for time spent at idle. Prop babies, abound in our society while some parents wish to remain children. Big media takes control, when parents turn away from being responsible. There are two sides to the track, always has been. Who can stand before envy. Open rebuke is better than secret love. Let one or two generations slip, then you have a mell of a hess to clean up. Reply Ron w13, Or 3/26/14 re: Thomas Jefferson quote The most vivid of imaginations brings the greatest degree of discovery ! Reply Ron w13, Or 3/26/14 re: Thomas Jefferson quote The truth keep from the public concerning the scientific studies, is shielded very well. Water studies, air quality, are at the forefront. Dead zones are a fact ! Weather in the seas or cities, mans impacts, dirty industry at the helm guided by the elite and their stockholders. Many retire and say nothing of their findings, but do move to higher ground for a reason. Of course they still draw a pension. Not wanting to stick their neck out. Some predict it will not be wars but bad water, bring about the demise. But this is only discussed within the family. Not wanting to alarm the public. It is an irreversible damage, traced to its source as well as can be mapped. Evolution, to evolve from one thing to another is evident, not rocket science. Just as plants adapt and grow, so also is the conscience of man and the new creature, to come to pass. Like a clock, it matters not if one understands or not, the full mechanics of Gods clock. Or the application of a ( Paul ), which means to pause. Once released the spring resets and the hand moves forward. Much knowledge is kept behind closed doors. As also the knowledge base understood by a few. Loose the few it sets us back, as also the Library of Alexander. Many things are excluded from the canons, for a reason, to simplify the point of access. The God of nature created the universe in which we live. And God provides the rule with which we measure. It is much longer than seven thousand years. This is also kept behind closed doors. Reply Ron w13, Or 3/26/14 re: Thomas Jefferson quote To inform their discretion. Enlightenment, Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. The divider that goes with the ruler. Separating oppression from freedom. The most criticized doctrine in the Rock. Rightfully so, it is the point of the sword. Able to divide asunder. We are not as of yet, pressed out of measure. Symbolism takes root, and holds the ground upon which the Republic rest. Thank our founding fathers for their foresight and longsuffering. Knights still hold the rank, for they are Ambassadors for Christ. Amen. 1 Reply Ron w13, Or 3/26/14 re: Sir William Blackstone quote It must be that way in a monarchy. The throne is upheld by mercy and truth, otherwise it becomes tyrannical. Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. Psalm 2:10 thru 12 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Prov 1:7 Kings do commit treason. Thank God for our Republic. BHO is as a king who causes shame and a shadow of darkness upon our land. 2 Reply Ron w13, Or 3/26/14 re: Thomas Erskine quote So very well said, Mike and Anon. Given the opportunity and a dogged stance is what is needed to convey key points of understanding. It has been my experience, at first, to grasp basic doctrines of liberty and freedom. These being ( brought out from behind closed doors ). Then to apply. Many, many years in the field, prepping ground and planting a seed. Simple at first, thinking that was the whole. But of course, not knowing it was just the beginning. With in our system of learning, many chew on doctrine to no profit. Weather in the political realm of DC or the political realm of the church. Doubtful disputations arise all the time, some unknowingly, others knowing the confusion caused. The enemy with in. Sitting in a room full of theologians, listening to their points of view can be overwhelming to say the lest. Biblical law and the application of doctrinal understanding. The dummying of the people and its source of conflict. Most, still today are fed with nonsense. Puppy dog stories, thriving and preying upon their emotions. But the whole of the matter is, sound doctrine is not endured well by most, being kept out of the forefront or pulpit if you will. The elements of our Constitution by way of faith and God, in their application are not taught as a whole or as one. There is that which is right, and again that which is wrong application. Rightly dividing cannot be avoided, nor should be. One of the, if not the most widely criticized doctrines in the KJB. Therein is the separation of oppression and freedom. Carnal law, v. law of faith. The laws of nature and of natures God being key elements in our Constitution, should be and are mingled with their source text. This should be taught, but is denied the populous. Waking up, is just that, to see the light and the mingling of wisdom and understanding, rightly divided. Simplicity is the key, as Paul states it is simplicity in Christ. But to be seasoned with salt is what is needed to express the points as a whole, as Peter affirms. Paul speaks of things hard to be understood with those that wrestle with the scriptures. I do pray, with all sincerity, the awakening come quickly and surely as are the testimonies of our God and Lord very sure. I do apologize if this is a long statement, it does seem like failure at times, but fruit does come of age as also due season. God Bless you all. Amen. The quote is true and right, the throne is upheld by mercy and truth. All else will fail. Reply Ron w13, Or 3/25/14 re: Cornelius Tacitus quote With a ( Firm Reliance upon Devine Providence ) ! Five words, demanding great study. Said very eloquently. Three words say it simply. ( Faith in God ) !! Salvation is of the Jews. Ancient doctrines of Liberty and Freedom. prophecy fulfilled ! Reply Ron w13, Or 3/25/14 re: Cornelius Tacitus quote There does seem to be a dilemma. Bringing together those in the same house, onto the same page. Many are confused concerning the application of multiple laws. There are 635 Levitical laws, carnal laws that governed one nation. Israel.4000 years, weather oral or written, they had the law. The law entered in because of transgressions. These laws are holy, just and good. But man is carnal, sold under sin. The law is spiritual, man is carnal. Israel would not mingle the law with faith. But they only delighted in approaching unto God. Vain in the keeping of their law. Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith ( of ) Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his( grace) through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the sins that are past, through the forbearance of God. To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness; that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. Romans 3:19 thru 28. Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law. We are a nation under grace ! Set at liberty and freedom. For this purpose is our experiment. These ancient doctrines can not be separate from our founding fathers, knowing very well their application and authority to do so. It does not matter if you dance, drink, smoke or play cards. It does not matter who you are, where you are from or what you were doing there. For our nation to have open arms, granting liberty and freedom to all that would come, we allow them to taste of our liberty and freedom to seek after that which( good is). If not, that is why we have jails ! Natural law is in harmony with all that God is. Reply Ron w13, Or 3/25/14 re: Justice Joseph Story quote As it was in the days of Noah ! So shall it be in the last days. Whoremongers and thieves, liars and cheats. Spoiling what ever remains of decency, honesty, innocence, and all that is worthy of respect. Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. Prov 14:34. Excellent speech becometh not a fool : much less do lying lips a prince. Perhaps that is why Obama stumbles so much, as with others in his party. When the wicked cometh, then cometh contempt, and with ignominy reproach. Prov 18:3 1 Reply Ron w13, Or 3/25/14 re: Richard E. Sincere, Jr. quote Thank our founding fathers for their insight. Knowing the rise and fall of governments, based upon their behavior. Treatment of their citizens, brings about stability, or corruption and eventual fall. As with Rome and many more. Prosperity of management v. prosperity of labor. Short changing of labor has and always will be, the work of tyrants, thugs and banksters. Wanting something for nothing. Christian fundamentals and guiding principals of behavior, being that which is under siege, is a question of morality. Take a good look at what happens, when corrupt Elite push aside honesty and scruples for the bottom line. A society of whoremongers and thieves, that lack any integrity or self worth. Liars receive no respect and cannot be trusted at all ! Our symbolism brandished in the face of the world, convicts the very nature of tyrants. Thus the religious war rages with in our nation. It is a fool that says in his heart that there is no God ! Thank God for Washington, Jackson, and many more, knowing the enemy with in. If you like hookers in the window, if you like gay hookers in the window, if you like lesbian hookers in the window, Move to Germany or any other nation that condones such morbid, reprobate behavior. Leave our children alone. Especially the ( Corp Elite ) who with smiling faces and seductive behavior, tempt away the innocence of our youth.I am not worth the gunpowder it would take to blow me into hell, But thanks be to God, that he explains my situation and offers a way out. Neither God or our Constitution is a respecter of persons. That tells me, no one else is worth the gunpowder it would take to blow them into hell. All must give an account. This place is going to burn, and there are no atheist on a sinking ship ! The dog returns to his vomit.! 1 Reply Ron w13, Or 3/24/14 re: Walter E. Williams quote The lion has eaten the meat off the bone, now seeking the marrow inside ! 1 Reply Ron w13, Or 3/24/14 re: Cardinal Richelieu quote One of the worst tyrants to ever live. Knowing the raging fight between Protestantism and Catholicism. Like the fall and rise of a house of cards. Reply Ron w13, Or 3/24/14 re: Eric Schaub quote Live free, die well !! 1 Reply Ron w13, Or 3/23/14 re: C. S. Lewis quote We do not need the super Welfare States honey, we are the honey ! They sucks the honey from our flowers !!! Feed your own. That is independence, separation coming together as a whole. Corralling the wildlife is what makes slaves. We as independents keep the middle man out of ( our pockets). Good Capitalism at work.! Ask any ( elite ) they will tell you the same. The most benevolent will prevail through compassion bringing false peace. But a gathering together against Israel will come. If being a patriot means anything, you will come to understand the core of good behavior and siding with Israel. Salvation is of the Jews, make no mistake about it ! This is a Gentile Nation, founded upon these facts, and foundations of ( Christ ) Principals and doctrines of Liberty and Freedom. Ancient Doctrines. WAKE UP !!! Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print