Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [151-175] of 701Posts from Ronw13, OregonRonw13, Oregon Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Ronw13, Oregon 10/25/19 re: Allie Beth Stuckey quote Such are brought up (indoctrinated) as Ebyown spiritual beggars, "whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: their feet are swift to shed blood." 3 Reply Ronw13, Oregon 10/21/19 re: Jon Rappoport quote As it was in the days of Elijah the Tishbite so let it be that those that set themselves in array against President Trump and the Constitutional Republic fall by the sword of their own design. 1 Reply Ronw13, Oregon 10/18/19 re: Eric Sevareid quote Some times bigness is the greatest coward. 1 Reply Ronw13, Oregon 10/18/19 re: Chester W. Nimitz quote Now to stand strong and be of good courage, "do that which is right and you will have praise of the same."WWG1WGA to MAGA to KAG Reply Ronw13, Oregon 10/17/19 re: Jeffrey R. Snyder quote The fight is in the open now, WWG1WGA to MAGA to KAG Reply Ronw13, Oregon Publius (10/17/19) Publius, is it not strange socialist Christians and Christians in general even know of the scripture, as also I Corin 7:21, Gala 5:1 or even Jeremiah 48:10. On the other hand Roy has been well indoctrinated, people do not read or study, they follow blindly. 3 Reply Ronw13, Oregon 10/17/19 re: Albert S. Herlong, Jr. quote 5 stars for accuracy. Albert S. Herlong, Jr. switched to the Republican party after his retirement. It is amazing how quick the change has taken place. In an effort to restore our Constitutional Republic, the battle is laid bare and raw before the public's eyes. The siege must be broken, through any means necessary. WWG1WGA to MAGA to KAG Reply Ronw13, Oregon 10/16/19 re: Sheldon Richman quote By way of Natural Law, the statement stands on its own. Reply Ronw13, Oregon 10/16/19 re: Lucius Annaeus Seneca quote "Christ died to make men free, let us fight to keep men free.""Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood."Grant socialism no safe harbor in the land of Liberty and Freedom. The Oath is more than just words ! 1 Reply Ronw13, Oregon 10/14/19 re: Henry Wheeler Shaw quote Chastity is not virginity, yet the "chastity belt" was worn to keep another from plundering while away. Seems corruption has the key while the master is away. Let you Chamberlains be Eunuchs as all public servants should be. Chamberlain, keeper of the city treasury. Reply Ronw13, Oregon 10/14/19 re: Justice Antonin Scalia quote To infringe upon the Chophshiy, Economic Liberty of the sovereign individuals for the sake of so-called common good strips away the common good's original intent. And thus Freewill association falls by the wayside as socialism's corrupt implementation frames mischief in a law. Reply Ronw13, Oregon 10/9/19 re: Dorothy Thompson quote When At Liberty it is best to govern oneself through Epieikes, this being reasonable, "seemly, fitting; hence, equitable, fair, moderate, forbearing, not insisting on the letter of the law."A quality of the wisdom from above, and in association with the good. not going to the extremes. Liberty and the responsibility of being a good representative, assures its continuance. 1 Reply Ronw13, Oregon 10/3/19 re: State v. Sutton quote WWG1WGA to MAGA to KAGI've heard "swing sets" are becoming more popular NOW. The Tree of Liberty is thirsty. 1Reply Ronw13, Oregon 10/1/19 re: Alexander Solzhenitsyn quote Weak minds rarely have control over their emotions. As is the case with most socialist now exposed in party. WWG1WGA to MAGA to KAG Reply Ronw13, Oregon 10/1/19 re: Sir Walter Scott quote There is a new Top Cop in town working for the Big Dog, let the chips fall where they may. Treason must be nipped in the bud once again, that "servants" of the people, might again know themselves to be "servants", not masters. WWG1WGA to MAGA to KAG. The storm is upon us. Reply Ronw13, Oregon 10/1/19 re: Thomas Paine quote Exposing corruption on a grand scale, laid bare for all to see. Plumbing is never easy, nor was there a thought of a trifle fight, to Right our Ship of Liberty. Draining the swamp requires a clear and clean drain. The singleness of heart and purpose of such honest patriotism, to root out treason, which has become so commonplace among individuals in high places within gov and industry. WWG1WGA to MAGA to KAG Reply Ronw13, Oregon 9/26/19 re: Theodore Roosevelt quote " I would rather fail with honor than succeed through fraud."General Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Critics are a dime a dozen, doers are honed in a sea of adversity. Let us strive lawfully. " Who, if he rise to station of command,Rises by open means; and there will standOn honorable terms, or else retire," The Happy Warrior, William Wordsworth Reply Ronw13, Oregon 9/26/19 re: Garrison Keillor quote Sheep No more, the gig is up. WWG1WGA to MAGA to KAG Reply Ronw13, Oregon 9/22/19 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Where is perfection, if singleness of heart cannot be found in a freewill association. This creates a more perfect union. Reply Ronw13, Oregon 9/21/19 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Obviously a very stable man. There is but one code, public and private. Licentious liberty without without moral restraint is nothing more than lust. But some wish to have two personalities like so many in public office. Reply Ronw13, Oregon 9/19/19 re: John Stuart Mill quote Truth aletheia, is polarizing, concerning sound doctrines of our Liberty and Freedom. Aletheuo,to be true, in doctrine and profession, to deal faithfully or truly with anyone, But speaking the truth in love, am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth ? Truths collision with error exposes corruption polarizing the nation today. WWG1WGA to MAGA to KAG Reply Ronw13, Oregon 9/18/19 re: Abraham Lincoln quote Opportunity knocked and the Patriots open the door, let us not return to penury and woe. WWG1WGA to MAGA to KAG Reply Ronw13, Oregon 9/17/19 re: Ayn Rand quote "A half truth is the worst of all lies, because it can be defended in partiality." Solon, Athenian statesman Reply Ronw13, Oregon 9/17/19 re: Solon quote Sadly such is the path of socialism/communisum within any nation that speaks of Liberty and Freedom from oppression. Church and State ! 2 Reply Ronw13, Oregon 9/9/19 re: Lucius Annaeus Seneca quote "He that is void of wisdom despiseth his neighbor: but a man of understanding holdeth his peace." Pro 11:12 kjb Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print