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warren, olathe

The fact is that statistics show that the frequency of violent crimes is inversely proportional to the number of citizens that are armed. If Obama wants to lower rape and murder he should send Joe out to distribute guns to law abiding citizens instead of the propaganda that a half billion dollars in new spending will curb crime, At least we would get something for it and have fewer crimes to boot.

warren, olathe

He must have been using this philosophy at Waterloo.

warren, olathe

I would agree with him. And by the way there definitely were carloads back then and cars. There just were not automobiles. The term car is old. We just borrowed it for a more modern purpose because it was brief.

Warren, Olathe

It seems to me he had a complete change of heart on the subject later in life.

warren, olathe

Truthers are fools. They fit right in with all the other alarmists like the global warming, killer bee, global cooling, and ozone hole crackpots. Conspiracy theory nuts can be entertaining but have a problem with never having grown up. It is our childish nature to want to believe in these things because they give us a sense of adventure and perhaps superiority. Many of these theories are fun to look into but they all have so many holes in them that they fall apart with only the smallest amount of rational analysis. Whenever you feel the urge to get excited about one of these things you need to check yourself and think about all of the other similar things that have come and gone with time only to be found lacking.

warren, olathe

What a crock! Uber rich Saudis finance terrorism. Drug trafficking finances terrorism. Nobody poor does it. The poor are only propagandized into being the tools of the rich terrorists. That is why they are kept ignorant and illiterate. Makes them easy marks.

warren, olathe

Has been for a while. Soon, I fear we shall be punished for it.

warren, olathe

So what? It means nothing.

Warren, Olathe

They are predominantly liberals. The only freedom they seek is freedom from responsibility.

warren, olathe

In his day we had censors that looked to protect against improper or perverse things in the new forms of media. We had movie censors and TV "good seal of broadcasting" messages on our sets. We had to get rid of all that to prevent censorship of free speech and so on. Now we have over whelming filth on our movie screens and TV screens. In order to watch a top mainstream movie you have to endure language that is not just vulgar and insulting to your intelligence, it is totally unnecessary and more often than not unrealistic. It is inserted into the dialog gratuitously. It seems that the only thing that is likely to be censored now is that which is good and wholesome. As for the quote I am not sure it actually makes sense.

warren, olathe

Applied to today it would be backwards. What has been considered existing institutions and conceptions is being censored and progress is through the drowning out of established wisdom for new age thought processes. New age progressivism has been around for over 100 years and is simply a form of Marxism. These extreme haters of American traditions and the constitution have been at it under various labels from liberal to progressive to democratic industrialism. All forms have as their goal the destruction of the free enterprise system in general and the U.S. constitution in particular. We have the biggest champion of these groups in the White House now and it is looking scary for all who love this country.

warren, olathe

The assault on the tea party is designed to influence light headed people in the audience to disregard what ever the tea party says. It may be too late to drive the tea party away like Newt was in the mid 90's but every effort is underway to excuse the left's refusal to debate their betters.

warren, olathe

In our country at present it is censorship of the majority, mainstream political and religious thought. The belief is that if you control the propaganda you control the population. Hopefully the total control of media will not happen.

warren, olathe

If every one carried a gun I would expect that innocent victims of gun violence would decrease in spite of the increased availability.

warren, olathe

Waffler that is sick. That is worse than your normal mindless drivel

warren, olathe

This quote is incongruent. Some think that legalizing drugs will end the violence. It would among drug dealers. But I fear that they would just find some other trade to kill each other over anyway. Perhaps they would kill each other over black market cigarettes. Oh, I forgot they are already doing that in NY. If drugs are legalized we would inevitably have more usage and more violence by the users. Price is not object. An addict will eventually have no means of supporting his habit no matter how cheap it is. As we have already seen with crack, addicts will shoot 7 eleven cashers for less than 50 buck to get crack. So the cheaper = less violence argument is bogus. People want them legal so they can have more of them. Simple.

warren, olathe

Like the sentiment. Think there is a lot of bumps and breaks in that slippery slope though.

warren, olathe

We can not protect our liberty, nor would we deserve to have it, if we took no heed to those ideas or to the people that have sought to destroy it. Hitler quotes are the best for the topic of liberty and freedom.

warren, olathe

Adolph Hitler told Stalin that they were more alike than different. His brand of socialism was little better than Joe's. The European form of right winger was to be for an ever expanding government. Our form of right wing is to be for reduction of government while increasing personal liberty. They are exact opposites. In the Soviet Union a conservative was someone that promoted the communist state and abhorred personal freedom. In the U.S. a conservative is someone that promotes personal freedom by reigning in the state, again exact opposites.

warren, olathe

He must have been heavily invested in synchronized watches. Frankly E Archer I can't see any real difference between Fascism and all the rest of the liberal statist forms of government. Perfect example of what the NEA and most teachers have in store for our children. He must have been heavily invested in synchronized watches. The NEA and the progressives believe as Mussolini did that diversity of thought should not be tolerated.

warren, olathe

I cant believe some of the idiots comments.

warren, olathe

I never heard anything said as stupid as Ronald Reagan was the initiator of Hitler style dictatorship. It was initiated in slow steps in this country by FDR and the left. Reagan was not a leftist like Hitler.

warren, olathe

I think he has a point. Almost every time I see someone screaming those things they are in fact a leftist. I do not think he meant that the ideas are leftist just those that constantly invoke them. It is the left's way of using the constitution against itself.

warren, olathe

Unfortunately all the rbesrq's and Restons are over represented in our government and our press. Until we clean that mess up we will continue down the road of self destruction. I am just 2 years from SS. I would be hard put to retire with out it but I would have been very well off at retirement if that money had not been extracted from me and I had had the wisdom to invest it all these years, regardless of the stock markets ups and downs. Even at this point I believe I would be better off if the system was scraped or totally privatized. I would rather work the rest of my life, if able to, than be beholden to a youth impoverished by the burden my generation will be putting on them. The argument that I have paid all these years and am owed my return is tempting but isnt a fair one. For years the many paid for the few and now the few, that never had any say in the matter, will be paying for the many. It is just not right.

warren, olathe

The difference is that the American welfare state is just one tool that the "progressives" are using to get us to the authors previous mentioned states.

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