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Posts from Warren, Olathe

Warren, OlatheWarren, Olathe
warren, olathe

Niel you must realize that only money spent by republicans are waste. All money spent by Obama and any dem does not count. Waffler has never and will never take his head out of the sand.

warren, olathe

Great instructive quote. Blather on Waffler. Blather on.

warren, olathe

Great quote. Central idea that drives the Obamanation.

warren, olathe

Waffler, the liberals you talk about in this country are in league with this type of thinking. Obama is the fascist here. Conservative right wing nut jobs as you would call them are concerned for your liberty while you are complacent about it. As the banks and eventually the other private enterprises fall to nationalization it is going to be ever more difficult for you to explain why National Socialism is not National Socialism.

warren, olathe

I think the quote is great but the author, I am pretty sure, was Obama. Not too big of a mistake, an easy one to make.

warren, olathe

Damn it Waffler Clinton never had any surplus. He ran up the deficit as much as anybody and Obama has already proposed more deficit spending over the next 5 years than the total of all the previous 43 administrations combined. Get the hell out of your fantasy and start paying attention. When Reagan took office the projected budget that was passed and signed by Jimmy would have been 2.6 trillion by 1986. That would have been a 1.7 trillion increase over the 1980 actual budget. In 1986 the budget was 1.3 trillion. That is why all you leftist dreamers were crying about the budget being cut in half while at the same time crying about increased spending and deficits. This kind of crap is what makes an intelligent person just shake his head in disbelief when he hears it. It does not seem possible that people can be so ignorant and stupid but the evidence just keeps pilling up that they are. The left will ignore the evidence and continue to regurgitate the propaganda given to you by the George Soros sock puppet

warren, olathe

You need to learn at least one thing Waffler. When the government spends it has to take first. A government employee costs the economy what he makes. Therefore he can not under any circumstance create any wealth. Wealth is only created by private enterprise. Government only consumes wealth. If your perverted idea of wealth creation worked there would be no deficit because the increased economy from government spending (never has and never will) would create more taxes to the government. History shows it is just the opposite. Creating more government jobs will eat your lunch not create it.

warren, olathe

It is interesting that if you are fond of the constitution and think that it should be upheld you are a right wing fanatic. Fact is that if you are not a communist/fascist in this new world order you are labeled as a right wing fanatic. If you want to have some control over your own life you are a right wing fanatic. If you think you should be allowed to defend the constitution on TV or radio you need to be shut up because you are a right wing fanatic. This nation has become the most polarized it has ever been in the last 2 months. It may be a good thing if it wakes some people up. Or it may result in a very heavy cost to our liberty with the new domestic army seeing to it that all of us right wing fanatics are under control. Of course this would be to protect the country from subversives.

warren, olathe

To say we have a sane leader is obviously insane. The fans of Obama live in a fantasy world where wishing makes it so. Truth is what ever you want it to be. Facts can only be facts when they support the already determined conclusion. Failure is good if crated using "good" intentions while success is always bad because it is always achieved through bad intentions. There is no sanity in the left. Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is insane. The policies being tried right now are not new, it is not change, and it certainly has no hope to succeed. None of this has ever worked in the past, and it will not work now. It will only make things worse just like it did before.

warren, olathe

Do you ever get tired of this constant fear mongering of banks? The banks no longer are in control. Obama is not doing bailouts of banks and major industries he is staging a hostile take over. He will be getting rid of presidents and board members of private companies and installing his own. He has started already with the auto industry and will move soon to the banks. This is fascism in disguise. It has been stated by Obama that he will see to it that "his people" will be on the boards of GM. All other recipients of "bail out money" will follow and soon the rest will fall. If Obama succeeds in either destroying the economy or convincing everyone it is destroyed he will have every one where he wants them. When people panic they cease to think. This will continue to play into the hands of the left until we wake up or have no way left to stop it.

warren, olathe

What? He is your hero Waffler! He just wants what you want. He is talking about the socialist utopia. It has nothing to do with whether or not the Soviet Union exists or not. They (socialist/liberals/fascists) have not given up. It is just not in your face any more. You think you are against Stalin's goals while you work to fulfill them.

warren, olathe

Anyone the thinks Reagan put the country on the road to economic disaster is a moron.

warren, olathe

The problem is that it could only be possible to make those types of changes through revolution or the instillation of a benevolent dictator. Fat chance either one would do any thing but make the situation even worse. Our present dictator wanabe is a prime example. His goal is to put everyone on the national tit so as to insure that all will have a reason to elect more of his ilk.

warren, olathe

Read the book. I can't believe so many did not read the book. It is the perfect example of what liberalism/socialism/comunism/fascism is all about. Truth is what ever benifits the state. Wonderfull quote when you know the point to it.

warren, olathe

Waffler do you ever actually read the quote the way the author intended?

warren, olathe

Nice quote. The new world order is coming. Liberalism is not going to give up. Currently it is environmentalism in general and global warming in particular. If that burns out before all the accords as such are made international law the liberals will create some other crisis to take its place. It seems inevitable that it will happen. Hope I'm gone by then.

warren, olathe

Sounds like something from Obama. He would use different words but the meaning is still the same. These are the type of quotes we should be looking at in this political mess we are in. We are not far from repeating it. Hopefully Obama will get more concerned about re-election than imposing his crap on us. Maybe he will get to be like Clinton and accomplish nothing and we will survive. Great quote.

warren, olathe

As always Waffler is lost in confusion.

warren, olathe

No doubt that if Waffler were to have what he believed to be a deep thought it would easily fit on a bumper sticker.

warren, olathe

So what Anonymous. It all was appropriately documented as to what character said it in the film. You have no point.

warren, olathe

He was a great mind but in recent years the protections for the minority has been perverted to such an extent that we now have the minority oppressing the majority. We have the whole system breaking down rather that apply a little common sense.

warren, olathe

Mike, when Waffler speaks of wasteful spending by Obama it equals necessary stimulus. When he speaks of any spending by Reagan or Bush for any reason it is budget busting national debt creating waste. It all depends on who does it. Make work for a clover leaf can be either one depending on who does the spending. My memory has the quote as being million not billion but truly with Obama once it hits a trillion it no longer is real money.

warren, olathe

Obvious truth proved by time.

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