Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [976-1000] of 1302Posts from Warren, olatheWarren, olathe Previous 25 Next 25 Reply warren, olathe 1/16/08 re: Justice Charles Evans Hughes quote Good observation Ken. I believe that we will wake up and get off the couch. Since 9/11 wasn't enough I hate to think what disaster it is going to take to undo the social damage of socialism. 1 Reply warren, olathe 1/16/08 re: Ayn Rand quote We are so lucky that she escaped communism, Best antisocialist voice we have had. Reply warren, olathe 1/10/08 re: Bob Thaves quote We need them to be as open and honest as possible. Then maybe the voters would wise up and get good ones. Mandatory truth serum maybe an idea. Reply warren, olathe 1/10/08 re: F. Lee Bailey quote He is absolutely right if you apply the quote to today’s congress. The quote was obviously from the 60's. At that time I would suspect his quote was a bit of a stretch Reply warren, olathe 1/9/08 re: Will Rogers quote The surplus was simply projected by Clinton and company. It was no more than propaganda. Like the last 2 years of Clinton's so called "good economy" it was no more than creative book keeping. Reply warren, olathe 1/9/08 re: Will Rogers quote Executive Branch needs to tighten the reins on the legislature. Reply warren, olathe 1/9/08 re: Sen. Robert C. Byrd quote It would realy go up if Byrd would shut up and go home. Reply warren, olathe 1/9/08 re: Frank McKinney Hubbard quote A nut like Ron Paul. Look at the top 3 Dems. Not one valid qualification can be found among the three, but lots of people think they are the way to a better future. The republicans top 2 arn't much better. The lower down the popularity pole you get on each party's list of candidates the more qualifications seem to be found. We are a country run by 30 second sound bites and those that can create them. Untill we start to ignore the mass medea and begin an ernest effort to investigate our choices, we will have to be resolved to just blaming others for our delema. Reply warren, olathe 1/9/08 re: Mark Twain quote Good humor. Take a look at Pelosi if you doubt that the joke has a glimmer of truth to it. Reply warren, olathe 1/3/08 re: Marilyn vos Savant quote A big so what. Reply warren, olathe 1/3/08 re: Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton quote A fault in his day might have been drastically different to what we would consider a fault today. I believe he really meant that honesty is the best policy. Reply warren, olathe 1/2/08 re: John J. Dunphy quote I do believe he meant to give love to each other instead of God. True love is not possible with out God. That would only be tolerance. Understanding your fellow man and having love for your fellow man is made possible through God. He appears jealous of God. Reply warren, olathe 1/2/08 re: George Bernard Shaw quote It is all just black and white. The gray you see is due to a lack of understanding. Ron Paul is very frightening to many reasoned individuals. This is not a world that deals kindly to an ostrich Reply warren, olathe 1/2/08 re: Benjamin Franklin quote Beer has been given credit for the existence of civilization. It is believed that hunter gatherers had the ability to make wine but to make beer agriculture was needed. It was then apparent that cultivating the ground had more benefits than foraging. Of course this resulted in needs for mathematics, planning and staying put in one place. . Reply warren, olathe 1/2/08 re: Charles Murray quote The minute that government starts to care for the downtrodden in a monetary way it becomes a tyrant. The politicians create a class warfare propaganda system to try to shame anyone that opposes any restraint on the giveaway spending. Those that want to help in a real way to improve the lives of the less fortunate are called heartless or right wing extremists. While the "Good" guys build a system to entrap the poor in a perpetual state of dependence so as to keep them as loyal voters. Reply warren, olathe 1/2/08 re: Thomas Jefferson quote We all want to get back our social security bucks but somebody is going to be left holding the bag. It is not possible for a system to pay every one back with interest when it consumes 75% of the dollars colleted just for the administration costs. Let alone that any excess money taken in is automatically put towards the debt run up by other expenditures by the government. It will not be long before it will not be possible for the working people to earn enough to pay for the people receiving entitlements. SS is the best example of what Thomas was talking about. Unless it can be totally privatized and we are weaned off of the government dole the system will ultimately collapse. Reply warren, olathe 1/2/08 re: Robert G. Ingersoll quote Kind of lost it at the end there. Reply warren, olathe 1/2/08 re: Daniel Webster quote Gore has no concept of freedom. He is a fascist in his politics and his tactics. Gore also has little knowledge of anything but propaganda. A true mental midget. Knowledge is great but I think that the quote comes up a bit short. The word only makes it less than accurate. Reply warren, olathe 12/26/07 re: Dieter Duhm quote I can not give a good rating to a communist's drivel. To think that the ideas of this man would bring about peace, or more accurately the absence of war, is naive. 6 Reply warren, olathe 12/26/07 re: William Hazlitt quote Liberty does not work if we do not take responsibility to rule ourselves. Billary gets power from people's lack of responsibility. 1 Reply warren, olathe 12/26/07 re: Jesus of Nazareth quote The idea that peace is the absence of war reveals a lack of understanding of Jesus and his teaching. The reverse is also true. Peace can be known in the middle of war. Reply warren, olathe 12/26/07 re: Jesus of Nazareth quote We are fighting a war of necessity. We do not have a choice. Get a brain. 3 Reply warren, olathe 12/26/07 re: Jesus of Nazareth quote Jesus did return 3 days later as he said he would. 2 Reply warren, olathe 12/22/07 re: Thomas Holcroft quote Darwinism has been disproved over and over again. There has never been any evidence ever found to even suggest that his theory could be true. He himself decided it was not possible later on in life. Mathematically it is more likely that a 747 jet would spontaneously come into being than one single celled organism. The DNA is far more complex in a single celled critter than a complete functioning 747 jet. Darwin came up with his theory before much was known about Biology. It was believed in his time that things like fruit flies and rodents just mysteriously appeared when the conditions were right for them to happen. The only reason the theory is believed is because it gives an alternative to what is described in the bible. The bible may seem implausible to many but evolution certainly is. In most schools one is prevented to inquire any alternative to Darwinism. Rejection of Darwinism is heresy to the lefts religion worshiping Gaea (Earth Goddess) and their other god Karl Marx. Reply warren, olathe 12/22/07 re: John F. Kennedy quote The Democrat party died with him. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print