Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-10] of 10Posts from rita, Richlandrita, Richland 2 Reply Rita, Richland 4/14/17 re: Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild quote It's a shame how many of our fellow citizens have "sold us down the river." Reply Rita, Richland 6/3/14 re: Charley Reese quote Excellent and true. Reply Rita, Richland 6/22/12 re: Will Rogers quote Always did like Will Rogers' humor!!! 1 Reply rita, richland 6/12/12 re: Dennis Prager quote !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 Reply rita, richland 6/11/12 re: Richard Mitchell quote Spot On!! Reply rita, richland 6/11/12 re: Helen Hegener quote "Industry" is correct. With homescooling as least you can put your spin on what is being taught, therefore the kids might get the truth. Reply Rita, Richland 6/7/12 re: Jacob G. Hornberger quote EXCELLENT!! Reply Rita, Richland 4/24/12 re: Declaration of Independence quote EXACTLY!!! 2 Reply Rita, Richland 4/21/12 re: Thomas Jefferson quote This is on! 1 Reply Rita, Richland 2/27/12 re: Darren Perkins quote Some people will never wake up. A large group of us are now awake...and we are NOT happy with the direction our country is being led. This quote makes me think about what's going on and what I can do to help fix it. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print