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Posts from J Carlton, calgary

J Carlton, calgaryJ Carlton, calgary
J Carlton, Calgary

Victor...people like Paul are all too ready to believe whatever they're told. An intelligent person would ask...what the hell is the government doing bailing out anything, and where do they get the money to do it? But then again, intelligent people already know the answers...

J Carlton, Calgary

Here's an interesting video that's historically accurate and shows us that the quote is bang on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD1G7f4bE0w ...and freeman above makes a good suggestion...see Freedom to Fascism. End the Fed, Restore the Republic.

J Carlton, Calgary

Good observation Hotel Charlie. Here's a video demonstrating how we do have Big Brother...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul5oQ3wbstQ

J Carlton, Calgary

The Bill of Rights does not over ride "common Sense" Waffler? Guess what! There's no such thing as common sense...that's "why" we have the Bill of Rights.

J Carlton, Calgary

Hey Reston...the founders and the citizens of the Revolution did not wave signs at the tyrants...they shot them. Now there's an adult reality for you. Grow up, Wake up. We're sliding very quickly into communism...but that suits you to a tee, doesn't it?

J Carlton, Calgary

Uris was quoted from a book written about Ireland and in reference to the IRA in particular. His reference is to the branding of Republicans wanting a free nation as being "terrorists". And it may be so when we look at their tactics...the tactics of the poor...

J Carlton, Calgary

Archer, what's even more ironic is that we are being inundated with all of this false (police state) security because of Muslim Terrorists and yet even the schools are starting to teach Sharia law...and everyone is subject to scrutiny...unless of course, they happen to be Muslims, in which case we must be "sensitive" to their cultural differences. It's insane doublespeak right out of an Orwellian novel.

J Carlton, Calgary

It gets a little worse every time someone says "The Government needs to do something" about whatever their personal problem is...

J Carlton, Calgary

From the era of inquisitions...yet it seems to suit today's "jihad" nicely.

J Carlton, Calgary

CIA-FBI-NSA-INS-ATF-DEA-IRS-FAA-SEC-FDIC...and all the various Black Ops grroups...Nuff Said?

J Carlton, Calgary

Jim, I'm sure you already know the answer to your question...the government can "tax" tobacco, so that's ok for them. They make money and they don't care about your health anyway. And they can't control Marijuana production because anyone can grow it...so no tax money...might as wellmake it a crime. There! Now they have an avenue of "control". Morality, Integrity and Justice have nothing whatsoever to do with it .

J Carlton, Calgary

From the the Star wars movie Evil Empire: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNAHjsAnTd4..."So this is how Liberty dies, with thunderous applause." Interesting how art imitates life.

J Carlton, Calgary

Bush is just another player in the Globalist takedown of America. Time to to clean house as the system is beyond repair.

J Carlton, Calgary

Jack (above) is right about the New World Order being a peaceful notion...after they kill most of us, the world will be very peaceful indeed. Arm yourselves to the teeth, Abolish the Federal Reserve and Restore the Republic.

J Carlton, Calgary

Very well said. The embodiment of being an American - The embodiment of Liberty are both buried deep in this quote.

J Carlton, Calgary

Gen. MacArthur said much the same thing.

J Carlton, Calgary

Reflective of our situation today. No one seems willing to accept that we are sacrificed daily as cannon fodder and tax-paying sheep. Our prostiticians don't give a good God Damn about us.

J Carlton, Calgary

Well put Jim...or maybe like termites...eating away at our foundation.

J Carlton, Calgary

Hey Congress! tic tic tic tic... ;)

J Carlton, Calgary

PS David, you're right about Obama. He makes Bush look pro-American as opposed to pro-Globalist, which is what they all have been for decades now.

J Carlton, Calgary

David, wouldn't you prefer to think that people would be "friendly to US interests" due to the fact that we are honest in our dealings, and that those3 dealings would be beneficial to the parties involved, as opposed to installing dictatorships to force US ineterests on foreigners? I know I would. Try reading some of the history of western influence in the middle east and a book called "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man", you'll soon know what I'm talking about. Be Well.

J Carlton, Calgary

The government is obviously in fear of "We The People" as well. Why else would they be so adamant about destroying our 2nd Amendment rights? They have a very tenuous grasp of control over us and they know it.

J Carlton, Calgary

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