Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 846Posts from Joe, Rochester, miJoe, Rochester, mi Next 25 2 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 6/7/07 re: George Sutherland quote Government has the main-stream media doing their bidding, all in the name of patriotism, with their liberal slant they increase the socialism in our country, moving farther from the Republic intended. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 6/6/07 re: William Shakespeare quote The powerful are seldom remorseful. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 6/6/07 re: Socrates quote Evaluate your exposed faults. Check your premises for contradictions, for contradictions cannot exist. 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 6/6/07 re: Hans Eysenck quote Liberals (and socialists, fascists, communists) will say, "But sometimes you must silence people by force." The problem of course, is THEY are the moral people to decide who should be silenced and have their rights ignored. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 6/5/07 re: Paul Kurtz quote Norwalk, when should we be intolerant of individula opinion? So if society says murder is acceptable, but an individual says murder is wrong, then murdering that person is okay? 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, Mi 6/5/07 re: P. J. O'Rourke quote Lynch mobs are stirred by emotion rather than reason, logic and thought. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 6/4/07 re: Felix Frankfurter quote In practice, government does not promote inquiry. In fact, they do everything they can to discourage those with inquiring minds. 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 5/29/07 re: Ralph Waldo Emerson quote I prefer a common sense (not so common though) and straight forward approach to solving problems. As opposed to the nonsense and complex approach of liberals and socialists. Such is "income tax" with its take from everyone and give it to the lazy and other countries mentality. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 5/29/07 re: Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quote A Republic ... if you can keep it. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 5/29/07 re: James C. Scott quote Government likes little robot people. They are easy to control when programmed. 4 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 5/29/07 re: Walter E. Williams quote A book to read "The South Was Right." 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 5/25/07 re: Justice Robert H. Jackson quote The Patriot Act makes terrorists of dissenters. Are the FBI, BATFE, CIA, etc. like the NAZIs? In too many ways ... yes! Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 5/25/07 re: Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. quote So the more passion behind an idea makes it more believable? Reason and facts should drive an idea forward. It was believed the sun revolved around the earth, and the earth was flat. Regardless of how emotional someone gets in that belief, the facts, reason, point to a different conclusion. Reply Joe, Rochester, Mi 5/24/07 re: Thomas Moore quote So we are supposed to 'bear' injustice? Tolerate it? No way. 'Justice' is supposed to sting, and correct an injustice. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 5/24/07 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Don't forget the 'special' cases of equality ... hate crimes. 2 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 5/24/07 re: Felix Frankfurter quote Yet under the Patriot Act, the state simply says you 'could' be guilty of 'something', and they steal your Constitutional rights. "Land of the free?" What a joke! Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 5/22/07 re: Nicolas-Sebasstien Chamfort quote U.N. is attempting to socialize the U.S. and destroy our constution and way of life, in favor of the greater good. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 5/21/07 re: Robert A. Heinlein quote Big Brother will eventually find out. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 5/21/07 re: Marilyn Ferguson quote The government (liberals, socialists, democrats, the left) spouts fear at every opportunity to emotionally herd the sheeple into giving up their freedom for the chains of safety. Unfortunately, their safety is smoke and mirrors, it is of no real substance, but they are willing to spend increasingly more money on thicker smoke and ever more distorted mirrors in a misguided attempt to make people "feel" more secure. You want safety? Go buy a handgun and carry it with you at all times. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 5/21/07 re: Henry Steele Commager quote Our tradition WAS one of protest and revolt. Since socialism is running rampant, it is politically incorrect to protest against our tyrannical government. Whining is all that occurs any more, no protests, no revolt, no riots ... no revolution. helorat is right, the unPatriot Act and IRS are destroying our country in the name of patriotism. 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 5/18/07 re: Ronald Reagan quote Electing Osama bin RODHAM (Hillary Rodham Clinton) will push this country into complete socialism. 2 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 5/18/07 re: Milton Friedman quote ... notice the lack of socialist comment? Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 5/18/07 re: Charles Murray quote In a free country, a person may choose a numb, sleepy, slave existence. A problem arises when a less-than-limited government steals our hard earned money to give it to sleeping slaves, and others outside our country. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 5/17/07 re: James Baldwin quote It 'IS' by defending it, taking it, doing something to preserve it ... otherwise you end up with 'IS NOT'. If you don't stand up for it, demonstrating it is something of value to you, government is more than willing to take it from you. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 5/17/07 re: George Orwell quote A rather sad commentary of most people today. Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print