Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [301-325] of 1302Posts from WARREN, OLATHEWARREN, OLATHE Previous 25 Next 25 Reply warren, olathe 8/14/09 re: Jack Hugh quote Of course J Carlton. Waffler approves of the crap being done to the American student. Leftist indoctrination is what he wants and champions. He couldn't be more pleased. It doesn't matter how screwed up this country gets or how impoverished it becomes as long as socialism is the outcome. 72Reply warren, olathe 8/14/09 re: Antonio Gramsci quote Absolute truth. Socialism is a religion with government its god. Morality is defined as what ever promotes the advancement of socialism. That is the motivation of the left. True morality is just in the way. As does the constitution, adherence to an absolute moral code inhibits what can be done on behalf of the state and therefore inhibits the advancement of socialism. Amazing that a socialist actually fesses up to the true nature of socialism - an alternate religion. Notice how Waffler squeals when he reads the truth - especially when it comes from one of his own. Reply warren, olathe 8/11/09 re: Aesop quote Yes Mike, as is happening now. Reply warren, olathe 8/10/09 re: Michel Eyquem De Montaigne quote Sometimes the truth needs detailed explanation while the lie is engineered to be believable with out explanation. That is why our education system has been corrupted. It helps sell the lie. To see the truth one needs to have a knowledge and belief system based on fact. What many people now think they know and believe is based on false precepts and feelings rather than fact and reason. A survey showed that the majority of high school students believe that truth is defined by the individual’s feelings not by fact. This leads to being easily convinced of something because of how one feels about the seller while all conflicting information is viewed as an attack rather than legitimate debate. Reply warren, olathe 8/10/09 re: Mark Twain quote May have been humor at one time. Now it is just real. No longer funny. Reply warren, olathe 8/6/09 re: Bruce Bartlett quote An absolute truth. And no republicans do not call reduced increases a "cut" only the jackass party does that. 1 Reply warren, olathe 8/6/09 re: Hillary Clinton quote Perfect quote from her. As far as she is concerned - to hell with the America the founders created. That is the absolute attitude of all true progressives. The constitution is insufficient. It does not require the government to do what it should for the people it only limits the power of the government. Both are negatives in the progressive mind. Reply warren, olathe 8/6/09 re: George Stephanopolous quote He also said of Clinton- He is a very good liar- I mean that in a good way. 2 Reply warren, olathe 8/3/09 re: Michael Reagan quote unfortunate, true, gona change or we are done. Reply warren, olathe 8/3/09 re: Bill Clinton quote Typical Dem. Projection and lies, all they know. The truth would set them free of their jobs. Reply warren, olathe 8/3/09 re: Ronald Reagan quote Good quote. Reply warren, olathe 7/31/09 re: Will Rogers quote Waffler humor works because of the presents of truth. The line was very funny in its day but now it has lost some of its humor because instead of the required grain of truth we get the whole bag of dirt. Waffler I do not get how you think we as individuals are to start paying our collective debts when your jack ass party is so intent on spending money 10 times faster than we could possibly pay it back. Reply warren, olathe 7/31/09 re: Theodore Roosevelt quote Good one. Reply warren, olathe 7/31/09 re: Douglas Casey quote RBESRQ. WRONG. Large corporations and Wall Street are BIG dem contributors. It is the GOP that gets the small contributions from average people and small business. Corporations like the extra regulation that stifles small business and helps to keep them out of the big guy's way. The jack ass party fills legislation with loop holes that help the 'big guy" out. About 70% of political contributions from large corporations go to the jack ass party while 100% of the union political money goes to them. Large corporations are the places that have union employees. Small business rarely employs union workers. This also helps when the progressives trash the economy. Small business gets hurt the worst and the increase in dependence on government assistance increases the jack ass's political power. Add these to the rigging of the elections and the future corruption of the census and they look to be in permanent control. Reply warren, olathe 7/27/09 re: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin quote Val would have loved FDR and B. H. Obama. All think the same way. MK hits in on the head. Good quote to compare to other haters of capitalism. Reply warren, olathe 7/24/09 re: Clarence Thomas quote Juggs- Annita belongs in jail for perjury. She was exposed repeatedly during the hearings as a liar. Justice Thomas does not legislate from the bench. The quote can be a bit confusing but it does have some humor to it. 2 Reply warren, olathe 7/20/09 re: Adam Weishaupt quote Don't take Waffler serious Ann. He is the radical. He has problems with logic. Reply warren, olathe 7/11/09 re: Theodore Roosevelt quote Without freedom we will soon loose all of our security. It is handouts that the informed Obama voter was looking for. The rest of them were not paying attention. They wanted change and hope. Just like pulling the lever on a slot machine. Like buying a pig in a poke in spite the bag being open they refuse to look in because they would rather have hope than knowledge. Reply warren, olathe 7/11/09 re: Ronald Reagan quote Has the right attitude toward government. Reply warren, olathe 7/7/09 re: Abraham Lincoln quote I fear it is done. 1 Reply warren, olathe 7/7/09 re: Ezra Pound quote Please, the quote just means that to keep liberty you have to work at it every day. If you take it for granted there will be some one, in power, that thinks he granted it and can then take it away. Reply warren, olathe 7/7/09 re: Wendell Phillips quote The lack of vigilance is why we now have Obama robing us of your liberty money and freedom. If we do not wake up and resist, this country is through. Reply warren, olathe 7/3/09 re: William Howard Taft quote RBESRQ it is imagination without knowledge that keeps putting us in incredible messes like the one we are in. That is why the same old retread ideas of the left is now new and "change". Any knowledge of history and the consequences would have avoided the entire economic and policy nightmare that is going on now. None of this crap is new and all of it has failed before. It failed every time it has been tried and the idiots that support people like Obama keep falling for it. Knowledge is indispensable. Imagination without knowledge and common sense is a disaster waiting to happen. As for the hope, Obama followers hope the old worn out ideas do not have the same results they had the last time they were tried. But Obama hopes that they do. Reduced economic freedom and personal responsibility = more power for the jackass party. Reply warren, olathe 7/3/09 re: Wendell L. Wilkie quote Agree 100% jim. Reply warren, olathe 7/3/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote J Carlton, I think maybe a plantation in the old south may be a very good example of socialism. It has all the components. The workers are being cared for by an all powerful task master. The workers do not share any of the wealth they create. The workers have no economic freedoms. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print