Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [276-300] of 342Posts from jim k, Austin Txjim k, Austin Tx Previous 25 Next 25 Reply jim k, austin tx 4/7/14 re: John F. McManus quote Anonymous and Waffler, what on earth does my comment have anything to do with GWB. Assuming that you are correct with your ideas on GWB, it doesn't change my comment at all. Reply jim k, austin tx 4/4/14 re: H. L. Mencken quote Mencken is usually right and this is no exception. 1 Reply jim k, austin tx 4/4/14 re: Henry David Thoreau quote We have to obey certain unjust laws or we wind up in jail. We need to get rid of them and use Jury Nullification when we serve on juries to nullify bad laws. 4 Reply jim k, austin tx 4/3/14 re: George O'Neil quote Be sure and ask permission from the EPA if you want to dig or build on your land because you may upset an endangered worm or ant. Reply jim k, austin tx 4/3/14 re: Ernest Hemingway quote It's hard to find fault with this quote. Reply jim k, austin tx 4/3/14 re: Eleanor Holmes Norton quote Proud to be a Libertarian. Reply jim k, austin tx 4/2/14 re: James Madison quote The scary part is that Congress is busy passing new laws daily. Reply jim k, austin tx 4/2/14 re: Georges Ripert quote Most judges define the law as whatever they say it is. 1 Reply jim k, austin tx 4/2/14 re: Andrew Jackson quote "The humble members of society" , the farmers, now get more subsidies (money) from the government than almost any other group. Reply jim k, austin tx 3/31/14 re: Ammon Hennacy quote Benjamin, enlighten me about Grants Pass. Reply jim k, austin tx 3/31/14 re: Ayn Rand quote Rosenthal. it's hard to believe that you get money because of "harassment in the workplace", and even harder to believe that you would admit it in public. Reply jim k, austin tx 3/28/14 re: Alf Mapp, Jr. quote Agree with Ken and Archer. Reply jim k, austin tx 3/28/14 re: Abraham Lincoln quote Read the "Real Lincoln" to find out the truth about the worst president ever. Another great book is "Lincoln Uber Alles" ( over all) is another book on Lincoln which exposes him. Reply jim k, austin tx 3/27/14 re: Jeff Jacoby quote Ken Allen is right, well said. Colleges today are infested with kangaroo courts that can kick someone out because someone is offended by just about anything. Especially if a muslim is offended. 1 Reply jim k, austin tx 3/27/14 re: Thomas B. Reed quote Pretty hard to argue with this quote. Reply jim k, austin tx 3/26/14 re: Thomas Jefferson quote I'm with Cal on this. Reply jim k, austin tx 3/25/14 re: Cornelius Tacitus quote Just look around Washington for proof of this quote. Reply jim k, austin tx 3/25/14 re: Richard E. Sincere, Jr. quote Read ' Hitlers Pope" and get the lowdown on Pope Pius XII. See how he paved the way for Hitler to pick on the Jews. Reply jim k, austin tx 3/24/14 re: Walter E. Williams quote Walter is one of the best along with Thomas Sowell. 2 Reply jim k, austin tx 3/24/14 re: Cardinal Richelieu quote We have thousands of laws and it's probably impossible not to violate one almost daily. Reply jim k, austin tx 3/21/14 re: Publius Cornelius Tacitus quote Howard , Bangkok, summed it up well. The love of money is second to the lack of money as the root of all evil. Reply jim k, austin tx 3/21/14 re: Justice Louis D. Brandeis quote jaqueline polk, you said it very well. The main reason that our jails are filled up is this miserable War on Drugs. Prohibition always creates many more problems than it cures. Check out on the web. 1 Reply jim k, austin tx 3/20/14 re: C. S. Lewis quote "All personal privacy is gone." For you youngsters, or anyone who hasn't seen this, get a copy of the movie, 1984 , adapted from George Orwell's book. I watched it on YouTube and you can get it from Netflix. It shows where we are headed and it's pretty grim. Reply jim k, austin tx 3/20/14 re: C. S. Lewis quote C.S. is right on target. 2 Reply jim k, austin tx 3/18/14 re: Judge Kermit Victor Lipez quote Police aren't real happy about anyone video taping them in public. Thank goodness that almost everyone has the ability to do so with cell phone cameras. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print