Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-14] of 14Posts from warren giese, OLATHEwarren giese, OLATHE 1 Reply warren giese, olathe 12/19/20 re: Harold E. Stassen quote Yep as it did to Donald Trump for trying to fix the mess that is now a bureaucrat run government. 87 percent of the laws and regulations that we must obey are the product of the bureaucracy not our elected representatives as required by the constitution. The swamp wins because we have no control over them. The Supreme court won't touch the request for correcting the election fraud because of fear of causing riots. We are done. The thugs win. Now I suppose we are to go and hide in a corner. Hope the thugs do not come for what is rightfully theirs. With no longer a police force that will protect us, no guns to protect ourselves, fascism has won. When they can blatantly steal elections and the press continually say there is nothing to see here, What are we to do? When we can no longer create change through elections we become helpless. If this situation is not corrected by the few left in power that love liberty we will have very dark days ahead. 1 Reply warren giese, OLATHE 10/6/18 re: Ted Stevens quote Ted was convicted of illegal financial dealings and kicked out of the senate. Later he was exonerated because the prosecutors had uncovered evidence that proved his innocence and with held it from the defense. Those same lawyers are now running the Russian collusion investigation. They did the same thing in the prosecution of 5 people that worked for Enron and those convictions were overturned also. Any idea why they got the job running the Russian hoax? 3 Reply warren giese, OLATHE 10/6/18 re: Richard A. Epstein quote Almost every rule and regulation is put upon us by non elected bureaucrats. No elected person will take credit for them but many will fight to keep them. Reply warren giese, olathe 8/21/07 re: Thomas Jefferson quote We have been at war with them from the time they declared war on us. We just didn't wake up to it till 9/11. To stick your head in the sand and pretend there is no war is idiotic. Any one that thinks 9/11 was only criminal act is a fool. I have not read anything in here that stupid before. 4 Reply Warren Giese, Olathe 8/10/07 re: Joseph Sobran quote If you want government to intervene domestically, you're a liberal. If you want government to intervene overseas, you're conservative. If you want government to intervene everywhere, you're a moderate. If you don't want government to intervene anywhere, you're an extremist. Another Sobran Quote. Go check him out. He is one of the best there is at it. 2 Reply Warren Giese, Olathe 8/10/07 re: Harry Emerson Fosdick quote Dang helorat, somebody thinks like me. Reply Warren Giese, Olathe 8/10/07 re: Justice John Marshall quote This concept is still valid to most Americans but we have lost that philosophy in our courts. Justices like Ginsburg and Breyer have stated that the constitution is inadequate and irrelevant when it comes to determining the constitutionality of some cases. In other words Ginsburg thinks she is the constitution. 1Reply Warren Giese, Olathe 8/10/07 re: Alexander Hamilton quote The founding fathers had nothing to do with "natural law". That is pure propaganda. Natural law is a form of moral code that changes with the popular opinion about morality. Moral law is governed by the nature of human beings. The belief of our founders was that the nature of man was evil.(biblical view) The founding fathers made a constitution that can change with the changing needs of society but considered morality a constant defined by God. To have morality be arbitrary is equivalent to having no morality at all. Reply Warren Giese, Olathe 8/9/07 re: Illinois Supreme Court quote Good philosophy. It would seem that protection of the minority has gone so far in this country that the minority has begun to oppress the majority. Roger Baldwin seems to be winning. Power has been taken from the people and transferred to the courts bringing us to a government by the lawyers of the lawyers and for the lawyers. So it seems that the majority either can't or won't take care of itself. 1Reply Warren Giese, Olathe 8/9/07 re: Abraham Lincoln quote He remained true to the statement. The South did not succeed peacefully. They attacked first and forced a military solution. Lincoln believed right up the time bullets started to fly that the South would calm down and come to their senses. Reply Warren Giese, Olathe 8/7/07 re: Constitution of the United States quote Ginsburg and Breyer obviously do not consider this part of the constitution to be of any valid concern. It’s doubtful that they consider any of the constitution to be of concern for that matter. We apparently need to follow French law instead. It is time we start warming up to the fact that congress has the right to impeach the incompetent from the court. Reply warren giese, olathe 8/6/07 re: Justice Louis D. Brandeis quote Patriot Act and Guantanamo Bay have to do with enemy combatants and terrorist surveillance not criminal law. If we make those people citizens ahead of the legitimate people seeking citizenship we on a quick road to destruction. 21Reply warren giese, olathe 8/2/07 re: Justice Stephen J. Field quote How true. Many of the founding fathers saw this coming. I forget who but it was said by a founding father that this country could survive as long as the voter did not realize that he could vote himself a piece of the public pie. Now even members of the Supreme Court protect the subsidies that help to create class envy. This country was founded on property rights and the guarantee that government had no right to redistribute your property. This would be the height of tyranny in their eyes and mine. This county is being destroyed by the anti capitalists. It has gotten to the point that we can not even defend ourselves against violent attack if it is viewed by some to be done by or for those that are "less fortunate" than us. Reply Warren Giese, olathe 7/19/07 re: Rep. Ellen Tauscher quote Thanks Reston. Your clarification really reveals just how much of an idiot Ellen Tauscher really is. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print