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Posts from J Carlton, Calgary

J Carlton, CalgaryJ Carlton, Calgary
J Carlton, Calgary

Today's liberals have no inclination towards classic "live and let live" Liberalism. They have in fact devolved into a zealous group of busy body, control freaks who have no idea where they are trying to go...Today's Conservative parties are no better.

J Carlton, Calgary

That would make more sense Archer. The right to self defense in the face of crime or tyranny can't help but be a good thing.

J Carlton, Calgary

When there's a boot on your neck, will it matter if it's a left boot or a right boot? Hanson nailed one today..."Corporatism, which is adhered to by the right and the left is the root of most of our problems...and Archer is right...at the root of Corporatism is the Federal Reserve and its affiliates.

J Carlton, Calgary

And the "central group" will and always has "capitalized" on its position to make itself wealthy and more powerful and NOT subject to the laws it hands down to the worker bees. Kind of like the present regime in the US.

J Carlton, Calgary

Hanson...the wealthy are who...exactly?
The guy who started out with nothing and built a fortune? Absolutely we need to tear that person down right?
Or do you mean the Central Bankers and their Corporate buddies, and their buddies in Government no matter which party they belong to? Because there is a difference and far too many people are just to stupid to realize that.

J Carlton, Calgary

Galbraith makes an excellent observation that falls apart on closure. What he is describing is not capitalism, it is and remains larceny. Capitalism has no morals good or bad...it's just a natural form of trade and the production of goods. Each of us gets up in the morning to "capitalize" on our skills or product and better our own lives and the lives of our families...simple concept isn't it?

J Carlton, Calgary

Licensing and registration are tools of confiscation. Confiscation is the precursor to genocide. And Liberals are still idiots...

J Carlton, Calgary

Frightening isn't it? Seems that even now we're still only a short step from the most horrible government sponsored policies that can be imagined. And with population control being a major component of the Globalists and Agenda 21, it's never been more important to be armed, vigilant and ready to defend yourself and your family...5 stars for reality...

J Carlton, Calgary

Jimi is right about Hamilton. I enjoy that Aaron Burr shot him dead on the White House lawn...he had it coming. But the statement is on target with a little variation that Hamilton himself would have approved of....War is when the government tells you who the enemy is...Revolution is when you figure it our for yourself. (Unknown) ;-)

J Carlton, Calgary

Marijuana prohibition has its roots in racism and is sustained in order to punish and confiscate. And Mike is right, Obamacare is not the "law of the land" it is a commumist edict handed down by a petty tyrant who despises "the law of the land".

J Carlton, Calgary

You can say that again Mike! :-)

J Carlton, Calgary

To be politically correct is to sugercoat the truth so that children can deal with it.

J Carlton, Calgary

Patience is running very thin right now with President Teleprompter throwing his tantrum.

J Carlton, Calgary

I'm curious what is the US "and" A?

J Carlton, Calgary

I don't think the Obamumists see the generosity shown to them as oppressive. They don't want to work and they see government support is an entitlement that they are owed, generation after generation. And now that over 46 million Americans are on food stamps and the economy there is slowly going down the toilet under "liberal" tutelage (see Detroit) I don't expect any of it to change without something drastic happening. And yes both power and weakness played their roles.

J Carlton, Calgary

I'm reminded of the oxymoron "group rights". How can a group have rights if individual in the group does not also have those same rights? Ergo: Rights pertain to individuals first, or they simply don't exist.

J Carlton, Calgary

When the means of creation and innovation are so stifled as to limit or negate the very act, we will see a world that is stagnant with the laborers of the world living from hand to mouth. Get government OUT of the free market.

J Carlton, Calgary

Mark, The targeting of western world by Fundamentalist Muslim Factions is in no way random. And it is being done (misguidedly) by some who believe they operate under "divinely mandated righteousness" on average about 4 times per day all over the world. And with a hat tip to Winston Churchill I would like to say "It is a situation with which up, we shall not put".

J Carlton, Calgary

There is no such thing as "security" especially in a surveillance / police state. Why would we trust a government that does not trust us? Why would we trust a government that uses "terrorism" to scare us all into compliance to said police state, all the while aiding and abetting those very terrorists? It's not just a scam...it's treasonous.

J Carlton, Calgary

"an ethic of values, the ultimate value being one's own life and happiness."...Exactly!

J Carlton, Calgary

Valerie, the Bush Crime Cartel has been on the go since Ol Prescott was caught laundering money for the NAZI`s. But nothing is illegal when youre `connected`` and that`s how things work in Amerika now.

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